Favors Owed Prose in East Marches | World Anvil

Favors Owed

Over the next few weeks, Hazel finds Vareholm getting a bit stranger. It’s first hint is when she emerges from her abode to find a garden trowel, lost months ago, sitting clean and shining on her doorstep.   Every so often the garden will seem to have weeded itself. The windows get dusted when she isn’t looking. Raven droppings are wiped away.   Any and all tiresome outdoor chores - and it’s always the ones she secretly despises - seem to be done for her before she’s home from her shifts at Sweet Mercy.   Stakeouts and early returns home yield glimpses of small local animals - once at industrious work and then in flight when they are spotted - along with the clip-clop of retreating hooves.   Otherwise her benefactors leave no trace.