Dragonborn Paladin finally finds Worthy Death! Prose in East Marches | World Anvil

Dragonborn Paladin finally finds Worthy Death!

Frostmoot 30, 243

by Scipio#7955

The esteemed Dragonborn Paladin Narxixxos was seen leaving town yesterday after having heard rumors of dragon sightings near Dragon Lake. The human monk Shinjitsu and the half-elf wizard Reledor tells the harrowing story!
"He seemed very determined to find what he was looking for."   It is widely known around Vareholm that Narxixxos has been searching for a noble way to die for some time now, however the newcomers to Vareholm had not been here long enough to be informed of this. Seeing the Dragonborn about to leave the protective barrier all by himself, Shinjitsu approached him and offered his assistance.   "In my culture, dragons are highly revered and respected. And so I couldn’t allow such a noble creature to head into danger unaccompanied. It would be unethical," Shinjitsu says during an interview this morning.   Reledor the wizard also accompanied the late Narxixxos on his fateful journey, "Yeah, I have of course seen Narxixxos around town and have spoken to him on several occasions. I speak Draconic too, actually, and any chance of spotting a fully fledged dragon would be excellent for my research."   And so it was that the party of three set out on what would soon appear to be a literal suicide mission.   "At first we encountered only a few skeletons in the forest. They were no match for my Soaring Foot and Smashing Fist Style," Shinjitsu explains calmly.   "It soon became very clear though, that Narxixxos fought savagely and recklessly, without care for his own life, often letting himself be surrounded by enemies," Reledor states to the Idriell Times. "It was when we reached the abandoned village further to the north that everything went south. We encountered another Dragonborn there, who was praying to the neutral Dragon God of wealth and hoards. That was uneventful enough, and we passed each other with politeness. He even handed Narxixxos a goblet with some platinum coins in it."   As the monk and the wizard continue their tale, their voices grow more subdued.
"There were several houses in the village," Shinjitsu explains, "and almost all of them had some kind of foul being inside. Skeletons, zombies, frenzied lizardfolk, you name it. But it wasn’t until we got into an ambush on the southern edge of the village that everything started to go south."   "Yes," Reledor continues, "Unfortunately, my friend Shinjitsu here sustained serious injuries and was left unconscious for the latter part of the fight, and Narxixxos was surrounded by fierce lizardfolk. I think there were eight of them in total against us three. But against all odds we defeated them, and was able to stabilize Shinjitsu."   However, here the wizard trails off. It seems hard for him to tell the rest of the story, so this reporter has to coax it out of him. Apparently a being named Kasz had come wandering down from the north of the village, accompanied by a huge monstrosity of a walking Lizardfolk corpse. Reledor states that he was very large, had 4 arms, and that Narxixxos did not hesitate, not even for a second, in facing this overwhelming challenge head on.   "I did not see how the fight turned out, for Narxixxos was insistent that I take Shinjitsu and run as fast as I could back to Vareholm."   The wizard's account states that he got lost in the forests leading back to Vareholm and he wandered for several hours. Every hour the darkness grew deeper, and more ravens gathered to follow as he bumbled through the forest. Eventually Shinjitsu woke up, and immediately was able to orient himself and lead the duo back to Vareholm.   "I should have been stronger. There was no need for Narxixxos to die in that village. I will have to go back. I cannot leave a Noble Dragonborn to be forgotten in the Wilds. There is no honor in that," Shinjitsu vowed to the Vareholm post.

Session: Echoes of Xidhien
DM: doze00#6485
Date: 3/22/19


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