Birch Sansmark Character in East Faerun | World Anvil
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Birch Sansmark

Birch Sansmark

Every soul in Spiderhaunt knows Birch, and Birch knows every soul in Spiderhaunt.   Depending on who you ask, the reason that Birch is well known varies from, "He's a concerned, kind man" to "He's a nosy son of a bitch". No matter where you lie on this scale, if you need help, Birch will be there to provide it. As both mage and cleric, Birch believes his magic is divine and both this and his mind exist for the benefit of others. He will outwardly scorn use of magic for selfish reasons, and often even neutral ones, believing that this is in part the reason for the existence of the Red Mages in Faerûn.   Birch can be found most often in the small, non-demoninational, temple east of The Thirsty Goat. When he is not there, he is likely making a walk on the town and checking on his neighbors. Those wishing to actively avoid Birch know to travel the town at three in the afternoon as this overlaps with a certain gryphon's walk schedule.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Birch does not leave his home without his clerical manuscript, which is part writ of Tor and part his own scribblings over time. It is a massive, leather-bound book with edges worn smooth over years of use. It is frequently accompanied by full priest robes. When Birch left Murghym, he was already a practiced priest of some rank and he wears his robes with both pride and honor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nearly 25 years ago, Birch arrived in Spiderhaunt following after Ava Sansmark like a spring buck. Where he felt unwelcome, he made himself at home through hard work and determination: He decided that Torm had guided in him there to marry Ava and help bring order to a conflicted, but good-hearted town.   The two had a child by the following year of his arrival, when both had fewer responsibilities. But as Ava got older, she spent more time managing the Tavern and Birch found himself dedicating more time to physical means of spreading the word of Torm. He began to knock on town doors, encouraging the illiterate to attend the University, bringing gifts of food from the Tavern, helping during harvests, or to provide advice to those lost.   After their second child, Birch had enough townsfolk interested in a more permanent sermon to locate himself primarily to the small temple across from the Tavern. They agreed to give him a small office space there, so that those wishing to speak with Torm could have a reliable guide. This took over his days, almost like an obsession. It allowed he and Ava to live significantly different lives without sacrificing a relationship.   Things started to change when Sage was born. Prior, the pair had raised their children together without any arguments on punishments or rewards. However, Sage's aptitude for communicating with Torm and his passion for holy relics from a young age invigorated something in Birch that had not been present before. His life quickly turned from the Sansmark family to creating the next priest of Torm. After this, the family relations grew more awkward.   He and Ava tried one last time to salvage a relationship with two more children a few years later. But, by then, it was too late. The two are now more bound by shared values but not likes nor interests. And the birth of Ash (a name Birch does not believe befits the child) only made this division wider.


Religious Views

Torm's truth lies in his words as much as his fists. The lands of Eastern Faerûn are held captive by harmful mindsets which bring both people and city to its knees - slavery in the Red City, drunkenness in Spiderhaunt, greed in Sage. He believes these are conditions which can be worked through with the guidance of Torm. This involves not only practicing virtues at every physical opportunity, calling out problematic behavior (kindly), and--for himself--ensuring that all have access to the writings of Torm no matter how remote their township.


Birch is very slow-spoken, taking the time to speak. He is known for holding up a hand and raising another to his temple while he considers words and before he speaks again.


Ava Sansmark


Towards Birch Sansmark

Birch Sansmark


Towards Ava Sansmark

Ava Sansmark (spouse)
Known Languages

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