Sage Sansmark Character in East Faerun | World Anvil
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Sage Sansmark

The first face a visitor is likely to see upon visiting the temple within Spiderhaunt is Sage's, brows deeply furrowed as he extends a candle. Whereas his father, Birch, often waits to be told what is needed, Sage is perfectly content to assume and ask pressing questions until he has discovered the nature of your visit. He freely gives advice, often without being asked to do so, and he seems regularly disappointed in all but the most aggressively religious.   For followers of Torm, he opens up more easily, often putting down his instruments and books to speak with them. Perhaps even smile. If one is looking for a straight-laced and factual breakdown of religion without any speculation or confusion, Sage will likely be a welcome change from the all-knowing sage of wisdom. However, if emotion, understanding, and discovery are the goal, the average visitor will have much better luck elsewhere.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

In general, the Sansmark does not advertise its wealth, but that life lesson seems to have skipped its middle-aged son. The devout priest of Torm prefers his trinkets, containers, books, and writ to be in exquisite condition--and he wants them to catch eyes. He has a particular fondness for the intricacies of elven designs and spends a significant amount of time trading with elves.

He can be easily recognized by his primarily white cloak, and dark, forest green under-robes, the glint of gold fastening the entire appearance together. Unlike many priests, he keeps two books strapped at his side. The first is a second copy of the scripture for Torm followers available in the temple. The second are his own intricate notes full of suggestions for designs and improvements primarily for holding holy artifacts of the priesthood but also for general architecture.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As long as anyone in Spiderhaunt can remember, Sage has been pursuing priesthood by following in his father's footsteps. As soon as he could walk, he would fetch candles for those coming to pray. When he could read, he began to preach small sermons at the podium. And, when he was old enough to begin doubt and questioning, he began to host philosophical discussion on what it means to follow Torm and how best to reach to the God without becoming a bother
Current Location

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