Rowan Sansmark Character in East Faerun | World Anvil
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Rowan Sansmark

The guy with the oversized sword who smells a little bit like the mines and somehow the Tethys sea? That's Rowan, probably stopped by The Thirsty Goat to see who he can strike into a conversation. That smell is probably because he's just gotten off a cart from Almorel or a barge which traveled up from Port Ghaast and he was too excited by seeing old faces to organize for a bath first.   While Rowan doesn't drink alcohol, the Tavern is still his favorite place to collect gossip and he'll usually treat himself to a juice while exchanging pleasantries. Whether it is the sigil of Torm on his chest, or his general good nature, Rowan settles himself into tables with folks he's never met before and soon enough they are talking as if they are old friends. Somehow, he remembers them, having a min that never forgets a face and remembers to ask the important questions like, "How is your grandmother" or "Did you ever repair that vase that rascal Willow knocked over?"   Whether you're searching for a rumor, or just to be entertained, Rowan will glady consider you. Despite his nature as somewhat of a rumor monger, his tales never seem to paint his subjects in a judgemental light. Not even a practiced mage could write such neutral images.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

While his armor and clothes may be well-used, they are also well cared for and bear the stories of having traveled far. He wears heavy armor and a layer of chain mail, and carries a greatsword such that many at first mistake him for a Fighter. However, Rowan's primary role is a protector, wielding his blade for good under Torm's name. The sigil, a fist printed in red on canvas stretched over the front of his breastplate, is a clear indicator of where his divine loyalties lie.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rowan grew up listening to stories from Grandmother Sansmark, and both Birch and Ava believe this is from where he grew his desire to leave Spiderhaunt. At first slated to take over the family business, it quickly became apparent to everyone that Rowan dropped more cups than he delivered and that his were on the outside of the window daydreaming of towns outside his own.

When Alder was older enough to take care of himself, Rowan traveled northward to Almorel with a spice caravan and a dwarf afraid of the mines. In Almorel, he purchased his first sword on received more in depth training on how not to cut himself with it. It was a task easier said than done, and Rowan found himself quickly making his way west in search of those with more patience to train.

Eventually, he fell upon the Citadel of Rashemar where he remained for some time. He made his way around the western side of the high country, stopping in cities to find temples to Torm and traveling with paladins that would have him for a time. His skill gradually improved with the sword, but his skill with words and stories surged much more quickly.

He returned home for the first time 5 years later, finding that his mother with a new child--a difficult surprise with already two young twins Rosemary and Willow. Rowan chose to stay closer to home then, bringing trinkets for his younger siblings from Almorel and taking watch over a young Ash when the tavern grew too busy to manage.

Rowan's life became hiccups of time, a few months spent at home, a few seasons spent somewhere else. A year spent at home. Three spent in Sephram. He never forgot to bring something home for the youngest children. And, in the tradition of his grandmother, he always brought a good story to tell at night in the tavern.
Divine Classification
Paladin of Torm
Known Languages

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