Willow Sansmark Character in East Faerun | World Anvil
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Willow Sansmark

Willow is the tallest of the Sansmark family, and built like a taught, steel wire. Unfortunately, you're not likely to see him. He spends almost all of his time deep within the study at The Needle Academy or shifting barrels at the windmill. If you do stumble across him, good luck getting him to speak. Willow is also the quietest of the Sansmark children, even if he is in heavy competition with Ash for the title.   All the better for those that would interact with him, because Willow is not particularly enlightening or friendly. He'll begrudgingly answer your questions, and be particularly testy if they are questions not worth asking. Still, if your interest is in geography of Faerûn, none is a more well-learned man in Spiderhaunt. Willow has maps memorized backwards and forwards, and regularly corrects inconsistencies between the parchment in Spiderhaunt. His greatest masterpiece is this new map, a conglomeration of all the errors made by past cartographers. The only problem? Willow has never set foot out of Spiderhaunt, and his corrections may not always be based on sound experience even if the geometry works out better his way.   When he was younger, he reluctantly could be seen in the town's temple but these days he has left The Thirsty Goat before even his parents have woken and rarely returns until late into the night.   Some say he sleeps at The Needle Academy. But, maybe he's simply a vampire.   He certainly seems unaffected by the cold. His outfit is a long-sleeved shirt and dark brown work pants, patched at elbows and knees. These give him a worn but orderly appearance; someone who cares about how they look but is too busy to follow through most days.

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