Vulgar Brigade Organization in Earth PA | World Anvil

Vulgar Brigade


Tom Boon runs the operation, but has two guild officers--Holden Forrest and Lad Hemminger--and an assortment of guild positions like quartermaster and cleric. Most everyone else is a basic member, and they only have half a dozen or so initiates at a time.


The brigade has a culture of acceptance and lighthearted shenaniganery. They believe in inclusiveness and free will. Their customs include mild hazing of new members and raucous parties after successful missions.

Public Agenda

By no means does The Vulgar Brigade have any intention of bringing down The Redclaws, although they do have an attitude of rebellion and distaste for how they operate. Their agenda is mostly to rob The Redclaws of what they perceive to have been unfairly stolen from travelers. Despite being labeled as a thieves guild,  the brigade is generally just a happy-go-lucky band of miscreants who spend more time partying than stealing much of anything. They raid Redclaw encampments, and occasionally Aegion Forts, about once every week or so to keep up appearances, but would mostly rather drink and whore their way through life.


The Vulgar Brigade considers the booze and food they steal from The Redclaws to be their primary assets. And their sex appeal. Tom literally makes his quartermaster list "sex appeal" in the ledgers, and the quantity is determined by how successful the brigade is in their endeavors.


When Tom Boon founded The Vulgar Brigade in 231, he was only sixteen years old and there were only seven members. Mostly, they just robbed wealthy citizens of Sorobell and worked out of a secret tree house in the woods. As time wore on, membership grew and their endeavors became more radical as they expanded their reach outside of the city. They still operate out of a collection of interconnected tree houses and underground tunnels. Tom Boon, now 27, now runs a brigade of four dozen or so ruffians that operate for the people of Sorobell rather than as the detriment of them. The people of Sorobell now mostly tolerate, and sometimes even appreciate, their presence and stay out of their way. Baron Sarleth publicly condemns their behavior, but exercises none of his authority to stop it.
Founding Date
March 12th, 231
Guild, Thieves
Notable Members


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