Sasquatch Species in Earth PA | World Anvil


Basic Information


The yeti are large, ape-like creatures. Fully grown, they stand about 7-10 feet tall. They walk upright on two hind legs and have two arms. The wiry fur on these creatures varies from black to brown to white. Their eyes are larger than a human's and are always solid black. They have no noses or ears, but have mouths that are perhaps just a bit too big for their faces filled with large, blocky teeth. Their hands, while humanoid, end in sharp, black claws.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth rate of a sasquatch is quite rapid. They are born hairless about 10-15 lbs. Within a year, they grow all their fur and begin walking. At about five years, they can reproduce. At ten years, they are fully-grown. They begin to deteriorate at the age of forty and rarely live past fifty. Their bodies also degrade at about twice the rate of beings of earthly origin.

Ecology and Habitats

Sasquatches are equipped to handle many environments. Their fur tends to give away their home climate, as the colors vary by location: white for cold, tan for hot and dry, black for hot and humid, and brown for moderate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These creatures can survive off of an incredible variety of diets, from purely carnivorous to omnivorous and even some herbivorous specimens. They are physically quite powerful, and thus can kill and eat many larger animal species. Some have been found to have a taste for human flesh, but most avoid humans if they can help it. The foragers are prone to store food in hovels, but the carnivorous types eat day to day.

Biological Cycle

Much like many furred creatures, the sasquatche's fur gets thicker in colder months and thins out in warmer months. They don't exactly hibernate, but they do sleep much longer during the winter, often for days at a time.

Additional Information


Sasquatches were initially domesticated by a race of aliens known as the Fraal. They were taken from their home planet and made to do all the labor-intensive tasks the fraal weren't willing to do themselves. Now on Earth, many of the creatures are wild, but there are still pockets of domesticated sasquatches living with the fraal.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Can generally be found all around the globe, but most prefer wooded areas. The white-furred specimens, often referred to as "yeti," stay in frozen tundra landscapes, while the black-furred variety prefer jungles, the tan ones in deserts, and the brown in forests and mountains.

Average Intelligence

Not incredibly intelligent. They can obey complex orders, but don't think for themselves.

Civilization and Culture


Sasquatches are originally from a distant planet with a climate much like that of Earth. Thousands of years ago, however, the fraal conquered the planet, which had no form of intelligent life, and took the sasquatches to perform physical labor for them. Their ability to follow complex instructions made them an ideal workforce. They were even trusted with the manufacturing of spacecraft and medical equipment. They stayed with the fraal all through their invasion of Earth, acting as bodyguards and performing manual labor for the fragile aliens. Some escaped and ran wild, but most continued life with the fraal, having no experience with any other lifestyle. The Apocalypse wreaked havoc on the fraal as much as anyone else, and many of the sasquatches were scattered to the winds to fend for themselves.
Average Height
7-10 Feet
Average Weight
200-300 lbs


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