4th Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment Organization in Earth - ClF3 | World Anvil

4th Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment


Alpha Company, Bravo Company, Charlie Company


The 4th Battalion of the 501st Infantry is formed of the most talented and fiercest Mages the Army has to offer. Their Motto "Shoot First, Shoot Second, Shoot Third!" demonstrates their mindset of overcoming all enemies through aggression and shows of overwhelming force.


When the 501st Infantry was being formed, a special Mage Battalion was devised to be attacked to the unit. The 4th Battalion Nicknamed "Sky Tyrants" was assembled to be a rapidly deployed Mage Unit that could drop into the battlefield and quickly engage enemy units, reinforce non-mage units and participate in special missions amidst active battlefields as well as engage in the scouting and observation missions Mage Units are classically used for.

Shoot First! Shoot Second! Shoot Third!

Military, Army Battalion
Alternative Names
Sky Tyrants
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
4th Battalion
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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