The Riftlands Geographic Location in Earssea | World Anvil
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The Riftlands

South of the Rift is where the tribe known as the Tan’Seru settled. Much less desperate then other humans, this tribe is mainly concerned with surviving the land in which they live. Swamp and jungle alike teem with beasts both foul and benign. Oddly enough in moving into the swamps earned them the often derogatorily used term; Bog-Lords. Their communities are built in circles of interlinked houses on stilts. Leadership is lax, with a chief in every community elected to speak on behalf of his or her people.   Closer to the sea, Bristol founded and fostered communities to serve as waystations for traversing the southern waters. This backfired soon after the dark age ended as privateers soon took advantage of the unpatrolled waters. Today this place is home to diverse people from all corners of the world, though it is not as cosmopolitan as one might hope.   Power struggles erupt and fester between pirate captains and commodores. In recent times, a pirate queen had managed to tame the waters. For five years her rule held sway, but she was betrayed and all she built fell apart, leaving the waters as dangerous as they had ever been. Who knows though… Maybe someone will yet tame these waters again.


The Rift was formed by the contenant falling into the primordial sea in prehistoric times. As such, it ranges from broken mesas to coastal swamps and jungle mountains.
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