Valthal Zzzxaaxthroth Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Valthal Zzzxaaxthroth

Valthal Zzzxaaxthroth

Valthal Zzzxaaxthroth, Jarl of Heilhovil, is a walking paradox: a dragonborn of Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, hardened by betrayal and solitude, yet ultimately finding redemption in the frozen embrace of the Norther Lands. Let's explore the scars and triumphs that weave the tapestry of his being: The Paladin, Tarnished:   Valthal's scales, once shimmering like polished silver, now bear the patina of years shrouded in shadow. Scars, etched by the fangs of betrayal and the frost of self-imposed exile, tell the story of his fall from grace. The Cult of Tiamat, like a serpent in the garden of his faith, poisoned his trust, forcing him to flee with his infant son, Validar, seeking refuge in the unforgiving North. Here, he built a life of seclusion, the clank of his plate replaced by the rasp of a farmer's hoe, raising Validar in the stoic ways of the Northfolk.   The Reluctant Father:   Valthal's love for Validar burns with the fierce heat of a dragon's breath, yet it manifests in the gruff silences and unspoken expectations of a man haunted by his past. He dreams of instilling the strength of Bahamut in his son, but his shadow, both literal and metaphorical, looms large, stifling Validar's dreams of music and the open road. The tension between them hangs heavy, a constant storm brewing beneath the frozen surface of their lives.   The Call of Battle:   When frost giants, drawn by the scent of dragonborn blood, descend upon Heilhovil, Valthal's isolation shatters. His dormant hero rises, the glint of Bahamut's platinum gleaming behind his hardened gaze. He fights with the fury of a cornered beast, his battle-axe singing songs of forgotten oaths and a father's desperate love. Validar, drawn by the thunder of his father's blade, returns, not as a reluctant son, but as a bard with words as sharp as any sword, wielding music to rally the Northfolk.   The Unlikely Redemption:   The frost giant threat vanquished, Valthal finds himself thrust into the role of Jarl. His gruff wisdom, hardened by years of solitude, earns him the respect of the Northfolk, bridging the chasm between dragonborn and human. His heart, once sealed by grief and rage, thaws beneath the glow of Validar's acceptance and the whispered gratitude of his people. With every sunrise, Valthal carves a new path, not as a paladin burdened by past failures, but as a Jarl guided by the flickering flame of redemption.


Valthal Zzzxaaxthroth


Towards Meccad Zzzxaaxthroth

Meccad Zzzxaaxthroth


Towards Valthal Zzzxaaxthroth

Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver Scales
Aligned Organization


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