Unwin Payton Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Unwin Payton

The Kraken Unwin Payton

Pirate lord and acolyte of Nor'oken

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Unwin is fairly short standing just under 5 feet but he is an expert swashbuckler and with Nor'oken's boon a powerful warlock spellcaster.

Identifying Characteristics

He dresses in dark purple pirate attire

Special abilities

His blessing from Noroken gives him enhanced armour and many high-level spells

Specialized Equipment

Heart of Nor'oken - capable of causing mass damage and preventing resurrection magics  Body of Nor'oken (A colossal ship that can submerge and travel underwater)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up in Meigia Unwin lived a fairly peaceful life until he was caught up in between a war with the Gritia Dynasty and the Orcs. Taken prisoner by Gritia for years for being accused of being an orc spy he eventually met with a man called Walker Indigeo. The two of them became best friends and escaped together discovering a relic of Nor'oken granting the power to flee their captors. The two of them promised they would never be bound in chains again.    Turning to a life of Privacy to avoid the law the two friends with Walker achieving the rank of a pirate lord, lived free lives for many years. However, all of that changed when Unwin was captured by the Gritia Dystanty forcing Walker to use the Nor'oken artefact to save his friend.    The actions of this rescue threatened to start a war between Gritia and the pirate- a war that the pirates could never win. So Walker decided to offer himself the kingdom in order to save the pirates. Telling Unwin of his intentions the guilt and stress managed to allow the Nor'oken relic to alter Unwin. Making the Elf kill his Walker and his crew and taking the relic so that his friend would never be chained. He then slew all 3 of Gritiaran naval officers earning him his former friend's position of Pirate lord.    Unwin spent the next years trying to awaken Nor'oken hoping to strike revenge on the Gritai Dynasty. He was able to achieve awakening his god but the Leviathan was defeated by the Wererat Invistaigtion Bureau. Unwin was then killed by Validar of the Bureau and the sole survivor of Walkers Crew bringing an end to the pirate's life of revenge.


Pirate lord

Mental Trauma

Imprisoned by the Gritia Dynasty Killing his best friend  Nor'oken warping his mind.

Intellectual Characteristics

Unwin seemed to be a very cunning tactician imploying Geas, to keep people silent. Using his crew glamoured as himself to keep himself out of trouble.

Morality & Philosophy

Will harm anyone in his way and has been shown to be exceptionally cruel.

Personality Characteristics


Unwin is driven purely by revenge unable to beat the trauma of his past he wants to destroy the Gritian empire.


Unwin Payton


Towards Validar Zzzxaaxthroth


Validar Zzzxaaxthroth


Towards Unwin Payton


Current Status
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Kraken - given to him due to the devastation he has brought on enemy ships
359 DH 661 DH 302 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Defeated by Validar
Golden almond-shaped eyes
wavy black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ivory skin
4 ft, 8 in
Aligned Organization


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