The Xin Archives Building / Landmark in Ealathra | World Anvil
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The Xin Archives

A library containing a lot of forgotten history

Purpose / Function

The purpose of this location was to store all of the knowledge the elf took from Zalcaster during the great migration.  Some of the books here are originals or accounts documented by Elves who were alive around the time.

Contents & Furnishings

Each room contains a desk paper and a quill, with a comfortable set of chairs for two people to sit.

Hazards & Traps

Each room has a different kind of magical ward.  some of the more dangerous books are individually trapped


the building was created to house millions of records and documents it is a maze of large book-filled rooms and dead ends.


Each Room is magically warded, and the Libary oversees the training of personal guards due to the value of the information stored here.


The building was constructed when it dawned on the founders how much information the elves were bringing with them on the migration from Zalcaster. as the information grew so did the security as the knowledge stored in these archives could be world-ending.


Outsiders are forbidden entrance and only council authorization can grant visitors access.
One of the Archives many floors
Founding Date
10 Lharvion 300 BE
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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