Morabar Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Morabar (a.k.a. The Light Handed)

Meet Morabar, a formidable figure standing at 6'5", his robust half-elf physique speaks volumes of his combat prowess. With long blonde hair, red eyes, and subtle tusks that reveal themselves in a rare smile, Morabar bears the pigmentation of green on his skin, a testament to his orc heritage. As the leader of Feakrith's Thieves Guild, he operates with a Robin Hood-esque philosophy, robbing from the corrupt to aid the underprivileged. Yet, beneath the surface of his heroic endeavors lies a complex history of family ties, celestial powers, and a personal vendetta against corruption. Morabar's recklessness, trust issues, and strained relationship with his celestial Warlock father add layers to his character, making him a formidable and intriguing presence in Feakrith's shadows.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Morabar, a towering and muscular half-elf standing at 6'5", boasts a remarkable combination of elven grace and physical strength. His long, flowing blonde hair and striking red eyes give him an imposing presence, complemented by the subtle green pigmentation on his skin. A rarely seen but distinctive feature is his subtle tusks, revealed only with a friendly smile.

Physical quirks

Morabar possesses a physical quirk where, when he smiles, his subtle tusks become visible, adding a distinctive and intriguing aspect to his expression.

Special abilities

He appears to have been born with minor Celestial magics that he utilized in conjunction with his rogueish abilities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Morabar's origins, entwined with the legacy of the legendary hero Babarza and the secretive past of the Thieves Guild, add a layer of complexity to his character. Born into a world where his father's heroic deeds were both a blessing and a burden, Morabar navigated the challenges of his lineage with resilience. The absence of his father during crucial years, coupled with the eventual loss of family wealth, thrust him into a life shaped by circumstances.   Growing up in the shadow of the Wererat Investigation Bureau's legacy and his mother's ties to the Thieves Guild of Zriegast, Morabar developed a nuanced understanding of both the heroic and shadowy aspects of the realm. His mother's passing marked the end of an era, leaving him with the legacy of both his parents and the responsibility of continuing their stories.   As fate led him to the orphanage funded by his father, Morabar's journey took an unexpected turn. The connections between the orphanage and the Thieves Guild became the bridge that connected him to his mother's world. Rising through the ranks, Morabar embraced his dual heritage, merging the skills of a seasoned investigator from his father's side with the cunning and stealth of a thief.   The mantle of leadership was not just a position within the Thieves Guild but a continuation of a family saga. Morabar, now the leader, carried the weight of both his parents' legacies and the hopes of those who sought refuge under the guild's shadow. His motivations, shaped by a complex web of familial duty and personal ambition, propelled him into a role where every decision carried echoes of the past and implications for the future.

Mental Trauma

Morabar carries the mental trauma of a fractured family, his father's prolonged absence, and the weight of his mother's clandestine connections. The uncertainty surrounding Babarza's fate, coupled with the mysterious circumstances of his mother's involvement with the Thieves Guild, has left Morabar with a sense of abandonment and the constant quest for validation.   The complexities of being the offspring of a celestial Warlock hero and an orc member of the Thieves Guild have created internal conflicts. Morabar may grapple with questions of identity, torn between the ideals of heroism embodied by his father and the pragmatic, often morally ambiguous, world of the Thieves Guild.   The loss of family wealth and the subsequent hardships may have instilled a deep-seated fear of vulnerability and poverty. As a result, Morabar might be driven by a relentless pursuit of security and prosperity, pushing him to maintain a tough exterior and make pragmatic, sometimes morally gray decisions for the greater good.   These mental scars, hidden beneath a veneer of leadership and confidence, contribute to the intricate tapestry of Morabar's character, shaping his motivations, fears, and the way he navigates the challenges of leadership within the Thieves Guild.

Intellectual Characteristics

Morabar's defining intellectual characteristics would likely include a keen understanding of the dynamics of power, influence, and the art of manipulation. Growing up in the underworld of the Thieves Guild, he would have learned to read people, anticipate their actions, and strategize accordingly. His experiences might have granted him a street-smart wisdom, enabling him to navigate the intricate web of alliances and rivalries within the criminal underworld.   Moreover, given his celestial Warlock heritage, Morabar might possess a unique insight into the mystical and arcane. His father's legacy and the exposure to otherworldly forces may have gifted him with an intuitive understanding of the supernatural, which could prove advantageous in dealing with magical threats or opportunities.   Morabar's intellectual strengths may lie in adaptability and resourcefulness, traits crucial for survival in the unpredictable and often treacherous environments he navigates. Whether in a negotiation with rival guilds, devising strategic heists, or discerning the motivations of others, Morabar's intellect would be characterized by a shrewd and pragmatic approach.

Morality & Philosophy

Morabar's morality and philosophy are likely shaped by a combination of his upbringing, personal experiences, and the moral ambiguity inherent in the criminal underworld. Here are some aspects that might define his morality and philosophy: Pragmatism: Having grown up in the Thieves Guild and faced the harsh realities of life, Morabar might lean towards a pragmatic philosophy. He could believe in doing what is necessary for survival and success, even if it involves morally gray actions.   Moral Code: While operating in the criminal world, Morabar may still adhere to a personal moral code. This could involve loyalty to those he considers part of his "family" in the Thieves Guild, protecting the vulnerable, or having a distaste for unnecessary violence.   Caring for the Underprivileged: Given his background and the Robin Hood-esque nature of the Thieves Guild, Morabar might have a soft spot for the underprivileged. He could see his illicit activities as a means to provide for those who have been marginalized or overlooked by the more lawful elements of society.   Complex Relationship with Authority: Morabar's relationship with authority figures, including the law and perhaps even deities, would likely be complex. His father's history as a celestial Warlock might influence how he views higher powers, and his dealings with law enforcement could involve a blend of evasion and occasional cooperation.   Adaptability: Morabar's philosophy might also include a strong emphasis on adaptability. The criminal world is ever-changing, and survival often depends on the ability to adapt to new circumstances, alliances, and threats.   In essence, Morabar's morality would likely be a nuanced blend of self-interest, loyalty to his "family" in the Thieves Guild, a sense of justice for the underprivileged, and a pragmatic approach to navigating the morally ambiguous world he inhabits.


Considering Morabar's background and the nature of the Thieves Guild, he might have some unwritten rules or taboos that guide his actions. Here are a few potential taboos for Morabar:   Betrayal Within the Guild: Morabar might consider betrayal within the Thieves Guild as a severe taboo. Loyalty and trust could be essential principles, and any member found betraying the guild might face severe consequences.   Harming the Helpless: Despite his involvement in criminal activities, Morabar might have a taboo against causing harm to those who are truly defenseless or innocent. This could align with the guild's Robin Hood-like ethos of stealing from the rich but avoiding unnecessary harm to the poor.   Violence Against Children: A taboo against violence towards children could be another moral boundary for Morabar. This might stem from his own experiences or a more general sense of protecting the vulnerable.   Collaborating with Certain Factions: Morabar could have reservations about collaborating with certain factions, perhaps those involved in particularly heinous or destructive activities. This could reflect a line he won't cross for the greater good.   Revealing Guild Secrets: Keeping the inner workings and secrets of the Thieves Guild hidden might be a significant taboo. Loose lips could endanger the entire organization, and Morabar may enforce a code of silence.   These taboos would add depth to Morabar's character and contribute to the internal ethics of the Thieves Guild.

Personality Characteristics


Morabar's primary motivation stems from a desire to alleviate the struggles of the lower class, influenced by his upbringing in his father's orphanage and the legacy of his heroic parent. His actions with the Thieves Guild are driven by a Robin Hood-like ethos, seeking to provide aid and support to those affected by the societal disparities in Feakrith.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Morabar is savvy in matters of stealth, infiltration, and understanding the struggles of the lower class. His experiences with the Thieves Guild and his upbringing in his father's orphanage have honed these skills. However, he may be somewhat inept when it comes to dealing with bureaucratic or political matters, as his focus is more on direct action and the immediate needs of the people.

Likes & Dislikes

Morabar likes:
  1. Helping the Underprivileged: He finds satisfaction in aiding those who are less fortunate, often using the Thieves Guild for benevolent purposes.
  2. Nightlife and Shadows: Comfortable in the dark corners of the city, Morabar enjoys the nightlife and the thrill of the shadows.
  3. Stories of Heroism: Having a legendary hero as a father, Morabar is drawn to tales of heroism and valor.
  Morabar dislikes:
  1. Corruption: He despises corrupt officials and individuals who exploit the weak for personal gain.
  2. Unnecessary Violence: Despite his role, Morabar dislikes unnecessary violence and prefers a more subtle approach when possible.
  3. Discrimination: Being of mixed heritage, he strongly dislikes discrimination and prejudice based on race or background.

Vices & Personality flaws

Morabar's Vices and Flaws:   Recklessness: Morabar, in his quest to help the underprivileged, can sometimes act impulsively, risking both himself and the Thieves Guild.   Trust Issues: Due to the nature of his upbringing and the precarious situations he often finds himself in, Morabar has difficulty trusting others completely.   Vendetta Against Corruption: While it's a strength, Morabar's deep-seated resentment against corruption might blind him to alternative solutions, leading him to confrontations that could have been avoided.   Strained Relationship with His Father: The strained relationship with his celestial Warlock father, Babarza, might affect Morabar emotionally, leading to occasional inner turmoil.   Difficulty Letting Go: Morabar might find it challenging to let go of past hurts, particularly those involving his mother and the circumstances surrounding her death.

New Leader of the Feakrith Thieves Guild

Current Location
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
665 DH 25 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White with pigments of green


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