Lucius Mordrake Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Lucius Mordrake

Lucius Mordrake

The Tiefling Gloomstalker Ranger

A former member of the Wererat Investigation Bureau and questionable moral figure  

Child of the Nine

Sarafiel Lucius' mother hails from Zriegast and was Sofiels Grandmother while in Gratia she met with Ashton Ferren a somewhat assured humble farmer. They soonly fell in love only unknown to her, Ashton was a devout follower of Baalzebul and a practising necromancer. After one year of living in the village of Ashton knew his dark lord desired a child as a means to free himself from his chains, so he staged the Necromancer threat to convince Railey to make a deal with Baalzebul “to keep the village safe”. Birthing two twins Lucius and Eros; Ashton saw that Lucius resembled his lord viewing him as the true son while Eros seemed more human at a glance. He then convinced his wife to have others in the village raise Eros so he could live a “normal life” but in reality, he wanted to shape Lucius into a devout follower of Baalzebul. After 18 years while Lucius was out exploring Eros was met by Sarafiel who had been kind to him throughout all of his life she was revealed to be his mother comforting him as his more teifling features began to come through. They both discovered Ashton's hidden shrine to his dark lord. Confronting Ashton with this he decided to raise the undead with his plan benign to wipe out the villiage benign the only survivor to raise Lucius into fulfilling his destiny. The stress of the event caused Eros to tap into his celestial absorbing powers vanquishing the undead and killing Ashton but uncontrollably killing his mother by absorbing her power.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lucius is missing his left foot it is unknown how this happened  His Limish skin is a rare attribute even amongst other Tieflings

Facial Features

Very short horns for a Tiefling it is unknown if he files them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pre Bureau

  Hailing from the village of Cyrene, in the southern borders of the Gritian Kingdom, Lucius Mordrake knew loss before he knew adulthood. Cyrene was under threat of a disgraced and rogue necromancer, therefore a young couple made a pact of protection with Baalzebul, Lord of Decay, in order to protect their home. The Demon answered, and at the time had a simple request; an unholy union between the mother of Lucius and himself, and with that offered protection from that undead horde... nothing in a pact is simple. Baalzebul only protected from this horde - he promised words but the Demon's wordings were smart and deceitful. Growing up differently, he wasn't entirely hated, as the village knew the reasons for his birth; but many distrusted him and didn't agree with the union. He grew to be independent and slow to trust, spending time near the woods; growing up with elvish children and learning the ways of the forest, and exploring the Dwarven mountains, learning an appreciation for their underground and urban life. Exploring on his 18th birthday, but straying too far beyond the Pact agreement boundaries, he came home at night to find his village destroyed by an undead horde. Finding his butchered parents and village, he vowed to forever hunt down and persecute those who practice these arts, and to find a way to make his true Demonic father pay. It would take years, and used his skills to become a Bounty Hunter, unafraid to use evil to vanquish it... his means justify the ends, and he has heard rumours of a necromancer to the East...  

Bureau Time

Lucius was one of the founding members of the W.I.B, meeting the other members while roaming Belde. His skills were valuable to the party but the rest of the group found his ethics questionable, he seemed to have no issue with threatening the innocent and had little regard for the laws of the land. His crimes committed during his time with the party were: Blackmail, threatening civilians, cattle mutilation, Breaking and entering, Robbery Travelling with the group he helped with preventing the Wererat Invasion of Crogra despite managing to make himself both an enemy by the Law, the Wererats and even his own party. While in the city he did however discover a shrine to Baalzebul where he discovered the existence of the Obsidian coins and the voice of his father luring him to pursue them to gain more power. Leaving the Bureau   Lucius Knew his party would not continue to support his goals, and decided to leave them behind while he pursued more of the obsidian coins. His journeys had him fall into an altercation with a Treant. He later made his way to the Swamplands where he heard rumour of a coin located within a dragon's lair. Sneaking in and stealing the coin he unknowingly awoke the ancient black dragon Miedayrrer the Deathlord. who then proceeded to subjugate the lizardfolk.   He then made his way to Oxonford where he bartered a jeweller for the third coin which cost him all of his material possessions, He did hatch a plan to try and steal his money back but was caught trying to pick the locks and had to flee town.   Eventually, he made his way to the Catacombs of Gritia finding the fourth coin but did wind out getting trapped underground for 5 months. He was sent a sending by Neurion during this time but he played it cool or was completely delusional and just told his former allies about how powerful he was. Being trapped however proved advantageous to Lucius as went eh dead broke free to take the city he was able to follow them and make a run for it.  

Post the Final Push

Lucius still continued his quest for the coins unaware that the necromancer that killed his family had already been resolved by his former allies. Eventually, he found the final coin and with that broke the seal containing Baalzebul. No one knows what consequences this has had on the realm...


There is no sexuality only edgelord


No formal education to speak of though prior to Rox he was considered the smartest member of the party (even if he didn't act it)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Gathered all obsidian coins for Baalzebul

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Failure to mutilate a cow
  • Getting caught trying to pickpocket
  • Getting caught trying to rob a Jewelry store and being thrown in jail
  • took a robbery job without even asking what the pay was
  • Getting yeeted by a treant 

Mental Trauma

Incapable of experiencing any mental trauma

Morality & Philosophy

No morality whatsoever, More of a person who followed their whims at the moment

Personality Characteristics


Quest to become the most powerful in the land,


Family Ties

Father is an actual arch-devil




Lucius Mordrake


Towards Father Gabriel


Father Gabriel


Towards Lucius Mordrake


Ashton Mordrake

Step Father

Towards Lucius Mordrake


Lucius Mordrake

Step Son

Towards Ashton Mordrake


Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
638 DH 52 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Father Gabriel (Brother)
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey with a slight hue of green
Quotes & Catchphrases
"We are Both Tieflings you and i..." "We could kill this little girl and take the horses"
Worships Baalzebul
Known Languages
Infernal  Common Dwarvish  Elviish


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