Child of Nine Organization in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Child of Nine

Legend has it that the Nine archdevils have each sired a child. These Tiefling children are of immense power and usually notable figures throughout history. Legend has it these tieflings are greatly tempted to the dark side and are usually used as tools so that their parents can bring about their own dark desires.


There have been a few notable children of nine throughout history  Drax Nilfblood was a legendary swordsman who nearly opened the gates of hell into Ealathra  While Eros took control of Zriegast and catalysed the events that lead to the final push  Rumour has it there is an inquisition that seeks out and purges those of devil blood in order to stop the children of nine.
Alternative Names
The Infernal Offspring's
Related Species


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