56: Criminality Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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56: Criminality

General Summary

The party, with Navy roused to consciousness, reunites near Halwin's former home. The beam of light they left behind suddenly vanishes, taking the Red Star away as well. Some of the party decide to return to Vereena Pembroke's safehouse, while Ahriman, Garin and Navy go investigate the crater formerly emitting the beam. There they see Ambassador Adalyn Bellfaunt and Constance Verindin take authority of the investigation while seemingly at odds with each other. Navy tries to sabotage Constance's sigil and is nearly caught.
  Reunited at the safehouse, their arcane disguises finally disperse where a resurrected Halwin sees them for the first time. Ataraxia secretly sets up a parlay between herself and The Broker using the Tome of Whispers that was removed from the now-healed tiefling caster (though still weakened and blind). Later the party interrogates the tiefling and learns of the Triune, a Morgardian religious order that promises personal empowerment while moving resources to overtly support an infernal incursion onto the Material Plane.

Locations mentioned:

Character(s) interacted with

  • Qal, Runekeeper Jahani and Nodhir Four-Teeth 
  • Vereena Pembroke 
  • Constance Verindin 
  • Ambassador Adalyn Bellfaunt 
  • The Broker 
Campaign Date(s)
2.9, 412 ERS

Report Date
07 Nov 2021
Primary Location

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