55: Recalibration Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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55: Recalibration

General Summary

As they finish their fight with the infernal demons, some enemies decide to jump down the glowing tunnel. Once Navy sends Powl down to inspect, the familiar sees a continuation of the ritual surrounded by streams of lava. While Navy and Halwin figure out how to interrupt the ritual, Ataraxia strikes a deal with an infernal tome she quickly regrets; sacrificing the 'life' of a surrendered tiefling caster to impede the infernal progression onto their plane. Eventually, Navy and Halwin settle on a plan to use the Aggregation Matrix to drain the magics being used open a portal into the Nine Hells and redirect them to burst into the city and hopefully collapse the area below.
  Meanwhile, Qal and Parvana collaborate to create a diversion in the residential area above the ritual location. Combining a rampaging giant hyena and illusory magics to summon battling monsters, many townspeople escape the area. As Navy tries to wrestle control of the magics, they learn that The Broker is onto them. A gigantic fiend starts crawling up the tunnel as Navy explosively releases the magic. As she's knocked unconscious and Halwin is killed, the party begins to flee.  

Locations mentioned:

Character(s) interacted with

Campaign Date(s)
2.8-9, 412 ERS

Report Date
17 Oct 2021
Primary Location

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