47: Washed Up Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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47: Washed Up

General Summary

The party and Harshnag arrive on shore near Port Maredun. They contemplate their failure against Iymrith and their next steps. They're aware King Hekaton lives and that Iymrith is biding her time with the Wyrmskull Throne while being seemingly at odds with an otherworldly entity. The party will seek information about the remaining two 'chains' that bind the Voidbringer and search for potential allies.
  In Port Maredun, they discover their old friends from the Tortoise are off raiding Morgardian ships and rallying other mercenary bands while a Morgard diplomatic vessel happens to be in the harbor. As they're seeking leads from Adaramantiana, an exclusive purveyor of obscure information and items, a female Morgardian officer walks in.

Locations mentioned:

Character(s) interacted with

Campaign Date(s)
15-16.7, 412 ERS

Report Date
20 Jun 2021
Primary Location

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