41: Secret Tunnel Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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41: Secret Tunnel

General Summary

The party travels through the Malmhin Tunnels led by Isbeill. The chatty guide shares much historical knowledge about the tunnels and dwarven culture. She also introduces a statue of the Goddess Eleaimaihad, the creator and mother to all living things in Eadrana.
  Along the long walk, Garin apologizes to Ataraxia for his hostility during a communal vision the party experienced, saying devoutness did nothing to help him or a devout former companion of his. The group also encountered two Drow merchants from the northern Vhakesh tribe on their way to Glaisein to sell parts of a Remorhaz.
  Isbeill uses a special wand to access an unexplored natural cavern, explaining a Dwarven cult known as the Aighenn Griahn once aimed to create their own city deep beneath the mountains where they believed a child of Eleaimaihad existed, before having all vanished. The party finds and defeats bull-shaped constructs and another dwarf, Braun, who seems to be part of an earlier expedition group sent by Isbeill's employer. Braun, rescued from nearly getting petrified, says the rest of his group fled deeper into the cavern and rushes ahead.
  Asking what to expect ahead, as the natural cavern gives way to ancient-looking structures, Braun shares the Aighenn Griahn believed there was a red sun deep within the world. Ataraxia connects this to the Darkness in the Heart of Eadrana (Voidbringer). The terrain becomes laden with illusory magic until they reach a low archway that reads, "Here within... the path to the sun... witness its gaze..." Beyond is a high chamber with a deep pit and shaft, from which emerges a beholder eating the dwarf's remains.  

Locations mentioned

Character(s) interacted with

  • Isbeill, female dwarf, hired guide from the Gem's Reflections 
  • Goddess Eleaimaihad  
  • Mayen and Dhruna of Clan Vhakesh, female drow merchants
  • Brahn, male dwarf, seemingly an explorer from the Gem's Reflections
Campaign Date(s)
11.7, 412 ERS

Report Date
21 Mar 2021
Primary Location

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