Daughter of the Stormsea Myth in Eacatis | World Anvil

Daughter of the Stormsea

The Stormsea is a harsh mistress and her daughter is no different.

Being in love with the ocean from a young age, Plaram Aewarin, went out to sea for any reason, be it to find fish or to transport goods around Auwan. As years went by, Plaram started venturing further out, reaching into the Stormsea. The crew of her ship ship began to notice that it mattered not how long they were out, and no matter how catastrophic the storms, Plaram always wanted to return, saying: "I've always been travelling, but I've come to realise why I love this place. It is family."

Soon after she never wanted to be anywhere else, only sailing in the Stormsea. Her crew followed reluctantly, since someone usually died in a storm. Every time they sailed out Plaram became more and more daring and wild, refusing to play it safe, but then a storm came along which made it impossible to steer, even for Plaram. With waves washing crewmembers away and the wind ripping them out of the rigging, the end seemed imminent, yet it failed to take them all. Eventually the ship crashed onto land, rendering the ship unusable.

Only a small portion of the crew survived and none of them knew how to build a ship from scratch. It took three years of tedious experimentation until a small ship was finally completed. The catch was that everyone knew that it would be impossible to cross the Stormsea in it. Everyone but Plaram. As she stood at the shore with the remains of her crew she told them: "Tomorrow the sun will shine and the Sea will give us safe passage to our homelands."

Silence met her, as crewmembers looked at her in disbelief. Yet they trusted her once more, for they knew she had a talent to be right about weather. The next day the sun was indeed shining and travel was smooth. The first night watch were surprised when Plaram appeared, even going so far as to ask her if something was wrong. Ignoring them she walked to the stern and staying unusually calm she looked across the star filled sky and told the helmsman: "Everything has a price. Tell the others that I lied yesterday, not all of us will arrive on the shores of Auwan. You see, I made a deal, I am to step into my mothers place for your safe passage."

With those final words Plaram stepped upon the railing, smiled at the stunned crew and dropped overboard. The splash woke the crew, having them running to the stern, but Plaram was nowhere to be seen, she had been taken by the waves she loved.

Historical Basis

Plaram Aewarin is most certainly a real person, but the myth is likely to be a fabrication by the crew, apart from the fact that they did land on Icios for the first time.


While the name Plaram is not unknown, the likelihood of a non-elf knowing the full myth is slim.

Variations & Mutation

Due to the long average life of an elf, the story has stayed mostly the same over the centuries. The biggest debate has been over where Plaram stepped overboard, for another version says that it was the bow.
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