Mythantine Material in Ea | World Anvil
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"Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso

Mythantine is a mythical ore found only in the deepest parts of the Magunta Mountains. Its usage dates back to the Age of Enlightenment. Back then the Colossus Goihbniu used it to forge his mythical gear. He taught his followers, the Goihbniu Clan how to forge Mythantine into powerful gear.


Material Characteristics


Mythantine's surface is constantly changes colors. These colors are slightly dulled due to being stuck in the earth for so long. Looking at it for a long time hurts the watchers eyes. Mythantine is found in foot-sized clumps deep in the Magunta Mountains. Mythantine produces a soft glow, the color of which corresponds to the current color of Mythantine's surface. Touching Mythantine results in the toucher going insane due to feeling the unlimited potential that Mythantine possesses. The toucher is reduced to a blabering husk of what they once were. More on what Mythantine does when touched can be found in the "Hazard" section.


Once formed into a weapon or armor, Mythantine gear must be attuned to due to its limitless power. The color and glow reflects the user's favorite color, and the glow can be suppressed at will. Mythantine's surface becomes glossy and safe to touch, if the forging was done correctly. More on that in the "Refinement" section.

Geology & Geography

Mythantine can only be found deep under the Magunta Mountains. Due to its useage during the Age of Enlightenment, pieces of Mythantine gear or entire weapons and armor can be found scattered around the world.

Origin & Source

Mythantine was created from the imagination of intellgient species during the Age of Enlightenment. The sudden burst of knowladge and possiblity when life entered this world gave birth to Mythantine. Now it is harder to find Mythantine, not due to its harvesting, but due to the lack of imagination during the Age of Mortality.

Life & Expiration

Due to people becomeing more corrupt and greedy in the Age of Mortality, Mythantine ore has slowly started to lose its power and luster. Mythantine that has already been refined stays the same, but the ore is getting harder to find. Mythantine was created by imagination during the Age of Enlightnment, but currently there is more stealing then creating. There have been less ideas of amazing works of art, amazing machines, and new spells. There have been more plans to assassinate another political leader, more thieves running around taking art for the highest bidder.

History & Usage


Mythantine has been used to forge weapons and armor seince the Age of Enlightenment. The first user of it was the Colossus Goihbniu. Goihbniu used Mythantine to forge the weapons of the Colossi. These weapons and armor were beyond powerful, so much so that if a mortal touched one, they would go mad. Goihbniu knew the way to tap into Mythantine's potential and give the weilder access to all the posibilites a Mythantine weapon possessed. Goihbniu had a group of followers who would help him forge gear called the Goihbniu Clan. Goihbniu would pass his secrets of forging Mythantine to these dwarves. However, he only told them how to harness a fraction of Mythantine's power, not the entirety of it. In the modern age, only the Goihbniu Clan knows how to forge Mythantine into weapons due to Goihbniu's passing.


Mythantine was discovered by the Colossus Goihbniu while he was harvisting materials to forge tools that his bretheren could use.


Due to Mythantine's infinite potential, refinement is key for turning the ore into something useful. The only known way to Mythantine requires the smith to have one aspect or power in mind. Once the smith knows what they want Mythantine to become, They must take the piece of Mythantine to the center of the planet, where all things burn. The smith must drop the Mythantine into the lava, it will float, and touch the Mythantine. In order for the smith to not go mad, they must focus on the one power or aspect they want this piece of Mythantine to possess. If done successfully, the piece of Mythantine will flash, losing its dull colors and become lustrious. It will also glow and adopt the smith's favorite color. The smith and others may now safely touch the piece of Mythantine and forge it into whatever they want it to become.

Manufacturing & Products

Mythantine cannot be made, it must be found in the depths of the Magunta Mountains.


Mythantine's raw form is extreemly dangerous to touch. If touched, the user will go mad, blinded by the infinite possibilities that exist inside of Mythantine. There mind will be reduced to a gibering mess. A wish spell can undo this effect, but a resurection will do no good. In its refined form, Mythantine become so lustrous that creatures who stare into it for 10 - 30 seconds become mezmerised. They will stand there and stare until interacted with, or the Mythantine moves out of view. A DC 10 wisdom throw can be attempted every round to end this effect. In order to move Mythantine around without going insane, Mythantine must be handled with iron. If Mythantine touches anything living but without a brain, the surface of said living thing will start to warp. It will form strange, otherworldly designs and change colors as well. This morphs the living object into something more brittle and shiny. It does not retain its past properties, instead it becomes hard and heavy like lead. For instance, if someone was using a wooden cart to transport Mythantine, the area around the Mythantine that the cart touched would become warped, colorful, shiny, hard, and very heavy.


Trade & Market

Mythantine is a highly coveted ore. Because of its location the Goihbniu Clan has exclusive access to it. Even though some of their members leave their clan's home to work in the cities, the Goihbniu Clan will not ship this resource out. Piecies of Mythantine gear and bars can be found scattered around the world. These pieces are very rare and have been hidden seince the Age of Enlightenment. A few of these pieces have been recovered and are treated as powerful artifacts in terms of value. Mythantine's prices constantly fluxuate, and finding where pieces are sold is extreemly difficult.
Constantly changing
Boiling / Condensation Point
10,000° C
Melting / Freezing Point
-10,000° C
Common State

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Author's Notes

Mythantine weapons and armor pretty much only have a +1 - +3 bonus and a buffed enchantment. Want a firey Mythantine sword, take the flame tongue enchantment and give it the ability to shoot an arc of flame at a target within 30ft as a ranged attack. On a successful hit, do 7d6 points of fire damage, reduced by 1d6 for every 5 ft away from the caster. Want some armor of resistance, just make it an immunity. Note this stuff is powerful at a low level. Immunity to slashing damage negates about half the weapons people use. Use at your own discretion. The true power of Mythantine is only present in gear created the way Goihbniu knew. The Goihbniu Clan doesn't know how Goihbniu did it, but some say the knowledge of using Mythantine to its fullest potential is out there somewhere.

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Jan 2, 2022 10:56 by Kaleidechse

This is a really impressive material! I love the idea that it was created from the imagination of people and has become rare since their minds became less creative. Overloading the brain of someone who touches it is a fascinating kind of danger, and it makes a lot of sense that this can be overcome by focusing on a single aspect. I also like that the knowledge of unlocking its full power is lost, this adds a layer of mystery while preventing users from becoming too powerful.

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.
Jan 8, 2022 19:37

Thank you so much for the positive feedback! This took me a few hours to come up with. It's probably the first article I actually spent a lot of time balancing and creating.