Aardian Crystals Material in E’arde | World Anvil
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Aardian Crystals

Aardian Crystals are from the mining planet E’arde and are used as a primary source of fuel. The crystals are usually processed down into a semi-liquid fuel source (much like Earth mercury). The raw crystal is a byproduct often scavenged by energy workers, and can be used as a source of light. When connected to a mechanical base that uses triboluminescence (rubbing the crystal to create light) a decently bright Green glow is created. Since aardian crystals are minimally radioactive if one can afford it, typically a containment Housing is used to house the crystal and prevent prolonged exposure. This is difficult to obtain in The Down Below, so many individuals simply own the mechanical base that the crystals are put into. The crystals are of extremely high value and it is difficult to replace or obtain more, and they are often passed from person to person upon death or are kept in the formed family unit.   An alternative source of light is useful as there is a city wide blackout to conserve energy in the down below starting around 9pm every evening. It is rare for individuals to own a crystal as they can be expensive. Usually formed family units will share ownership of a single crystal. It is possible to find fragments of the crystal as they can and will break if not handled properly. The small fragments can still emit a small amount of light when rubbed between two hands. Larger crystals can function almost like a campfire it is not uncommon to see people gathered around one late at night. These larger units become an important social facet in the common warren society. It is also the favorite location of the local L’Opa  to tell the histories and stories to the warren’s children.


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Aug 19, 2023 21:13 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

This article had a nice coherence to it and let me see why this material could be important in your world

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