Fate of water in E L A Q I T A N | World Anvil

Fate of water

Examinees, this year you will leave your childhood behind you. But there is still a long way to go until then. That is why this year you will deepen your knowledge of the five water magics and hopefully pass your matriculation exam at the end.

- Ôrú, teacher of the underwaterschool of Qôlúhì-

The fate of water is a test the Qírīrī (water people) undergo in order to be accepted into the circle of the elders. Each examinee receives five transparent jelly-like balls, each containing one type of different water magic. These are then filled into the empty shell of a vase snail. The ball that the examinee takes out first determines his future life.
Fate of Waterballs by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney

Cover image: Myths & Legends of the four Elements by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage


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