Parvyntis Geographic Location in Dystoria | World Anvil


Everything presented is subject to change as the adventuring party discovers hidden secrets.


A small continent island with a myriad of ecosystems contained within. To the north, separated from the rest of the island by mountains, is the icy expanse that Parvyrynth calls home. There are several rivers and lakes that feed the ocean, though several are fed by the ocean through a variety of Eco-Scars. There is a forest towards the south that is forever misty and people can never find their bearings within. Several active volcanos dot the landscape, though none are particularly dangerous, the lava usually flowing into man-made trenches found at the base of each. Found off the west coast is Vladania, a medium-sized island home to all sorts of undead that earned a banishment there after a massive slaughter of the Xentian people.

Fauna & Flora

Wyvrens, owlbears, squirrels, and rocs are a few examples of the broad spectrum of wildlife found here.
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