Eco-Scars Physical / Metaphysical Law in Dystoria | World Anvil


Everything presented is subject to change as the adventuring party discovers hidden secrets.


Eco-Scars are places where Arcane Magic has transformed the land in unnatural, often devastating, and visually striking ways. They manifest themselves in visually striking and often disconcerting ways. When approaching these areas, the world's colors may become distorted, creating surreal and vibrant landscapes. Elemental energies may be in constant turmoil, resulting in swirling vortexes of fire, water, earth, and air, making the environment unpredictable. Rumors tell of an ancient kingdom that was plagued with constantly changing extreme environments that are excessively deadly and sudden. There is a forest famous for burning itself down.   The fauna and flora within Eco-Scars are warped by arcane magic, exhibiting unusual features and behaviors. Gravity may behave erratically, causing objects to float or be pulled in unpredictable directions. The land itself might be laced with shimmering, magical crystals emitting an enchanting glow. These manifestations, combined with ever-changing terrain and auroras of Arcana in the night sky, make Eco-Scars both visually captivating and perilous to explore.   A famous example is the river bordering Pesco in The Xentis Empire, where the water flows from the ocean. This is relatively harmless compared to the magnitude found elsewhere all over the world.


Some regions are designated as "Dead Magic Zones," where all forms of magic are nullified or weakened, often as a consequence of past cataclysmic battles. Conversely, Leylines of Power intersect at specific locations, amplifying magical energy and making them highly sought after by magic users and adventurers.   Elemental Pockets can be found in certain Eco-Scars, where a dominant element, such as fire or water, prevails, altering the efficacy of corresponding spells. Temporal Anomalies exist, particularly in battle-scarred areas, where time can behave erratically, holding secrets and ancient relics.   Cursed Ruins may have localized magical effects, such as haunted battlefields or regions perpetually shrouded in twilight. Sylvan Enclaves, within once-lush forests, harbor nature magic, complete with magical flora and protective nature spirits.   There supposedly exists a malevolent chasm within an Eco-Scar named the Void Veil Depths, where arcane magic takes on a chaotic, unpredictable nature, posing dangers to those who dabble in its mysteries.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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