Session 85: The Bell Trolls Report in Dyrn | World Anvil

Session 85: The Bell Trolls

General Summary

The Wildcards begin their journey across the lowlands of the Jotungaard Realm towards the mountaintop forge, Elsmidja.   Session Commenced:
The 7th day of Cyr, 1622 TER
(Day 560 of the campaign)   Session Concluded:
The 7th day of Cyr, 1622 TER
(Day 560 of the campaign)
  10 days since Departing Tor Sionis.
    Morthak and the others caught up with the Starolfsson caravan and introduced themselves. Galinndan questioned Authun on the need for the Ballista and what foes they might expect, while Skulk was caught playing around with it and ordered to hop down. Galinndan summoned a black warhorse named Dexter which drew some amazed glances from the locals, having never seen a horse before.   As the bell tolled the Starolfsson expedition began its risky venture up across the lowlands and into the mountains with The Wildcards serving as hired guards. Only Skulk was left to remember the humble beginning of the Wildcards, and the long path that led from the founding members to this moment, guarding a cart once again.   The wide and well traveled road outside the Town began to dwindle to a smaller but clear trail that led across the wilderness. The caravaneers spoke among themselves while the Wildcards dispersed amid them. When Orrest called for a resting of the goats the caravan stopped for a time. Galinndan casually rode watch around the camp as Skulk cornered Sofia and Phaes.   Skulk was concerned about the risks Sofia had taken the night before. He questioned her on whether the entities she communed with might not be using her for their own purposes, and should she continue to cooperate with them, whether she realized that she may not be the only one to pay the price she was so willing to pay. Again he asked that Sofia not perforn her rituals alone, warning of the dangers if anything were to go wrong while traveling in the company of strangers, and again she promised not to.   Later that day the group came to a creek crossing where Morthak and Sofia were quick to notice something wrong with the water. Two Trolls buest from the water to attack the front of the caravan while many cultists and a Tree-Brute Ogre moved in from both sides. A chaotic melee broke out up and down the Caravan. The Cultists were easy to fell, the few survivors fleeing the battle but the misshapen, almost dog-faced trolls were another story.   Though they were each brought down quickly, they continued to rise up. Skulk, remembering their previous encounter with trolls, suggested burning them, and Galindann galloped into the fray on Dexter, branding one of them with a lance that burst into flame. But even after being burned with fire, both trolls continue to rise repeatedly. Cornered by one of the enormous beasts, Galinndan fell in battle. Skulk beseeched his Goddess for healing power and was able to revive the fallen knight. Finally Skulk took both ankles off one troll, which left it maimed and dragging itself slowly around on the ground while Galinndan seared both trolls with the radiant light of his god, and their repulsive bodies were finally stilled.   Bruised and battered but alive, the Caravan continued its journey up towards The Giant’s Forge
Report Date
14 Jul 2022
Primary Location