Session 71: The Memory of Dragons Report in Dyrn | World Anvil

Session 71: The Memory of Dragons

General Summary

Notable Quotes  
It's like French Death Metal
- Narcilepsy, on Elven being spoken with a Draconic accent
That's alright. I just didn't want to bend down.
- Gemris, after having her Healing Spirit countered and casting Cure Wounds instead
It was forged in the hearts of giants and tempered in the blood of demons and gods.
  • Maathu, ancient goliath, about Godgorger

    Morthak's Visions

    Below you, as your vision clears, you see several groups of people, arranged in a rough semi-circle. One group are familiar - Goliaths, although the markings they bear are unfamiliar. Ancient comes the thought to mind, unbidden.   Opposite them stand a more diminutive group. Clearly elven, belied by their pointed ears, but unlike any elves you have ever seen. They are similarly marked as the Goliath's, but where your markings are natural, their markings appear to have been daubed on with some sort of pigment or woad.   Somewhat to the side, a small delegation of delvers, heavily armed and armoured, stand waiting, scowling.   Further apart from these three groups are a fourth group, a number of tall figures, hooded and cloaked in drab greys and greens. From beneath several of the hoods tumble long, white beards. And to the left of them is a truly magnificent sight. A full flight of wyverns. Smaller than dragons but still enormous, the wyverns rest on the first joints of their broad wings, their sinuous necks curling as they survey the gathering with an unmistakable sense of intelligence in their eyes.   And in the centre of all of these assembled people, a simple wooden casket, marked with delver runes, and laid across it, a magnificent spear.   The leader of the elves steps forward. Garbed in stiffened leather armour, with a long bow slung across his back and an axe at his belt, he speaks.   "The Delvers have brought Baehn Gerdir to rest here, at the edge of the Scales Defiles, that her presence may bless our endeavour. The Covenant of Aevonmei must be maintained and we have been chosen to defend it. It is here, at Wyvernspur, that the dragons will be bound. Tell me... What will be done with the weapon?”   One of the delvers steps forward. In a clear voice, he announces "It was granted to her and with it she slew the last of the northern pact breakers. It should stay with her people, that we may defend against the beasts should they ever return."   The Elven figure turns to regard the delver cooly, before speaking. "The oakenpeople of Yllorica have awoken the wyverns that they might join us as guardians of the compact. Together we will bind the dragons here, to their ancestral lands. It should pass to us that we might better defend the continent against those who would break their pact."   The delver grumbled, until a third voice sounded over the others. One of the Goliath's, a tall matron, clad in hide armour and armed with a massive double headed axe, stepped forward.   "I am blessed by Hiatea. This weapon is Godgorger, created by the huntress. It was forged in the hearts of giants and tempered in the blood of demons and gods. It ushered in the Ordning. It belongs to the blood of the Nephilim, by divine right. Do any of you dispute this?"   She turns to affix the delver with a glare. "Do you?”   And then to the elf. "Or you?"   The assembly falls silent. The goliath matron strides forward, reaching out and taking the spear in her hand, lifting it to the sky, before continuing.   "What was given as a divine gift to Gerdir of Coalshelter will return to our people. In exchange I offer you the loyalty and service of my clan. We will take the guardians that have been promised us," and with this she glanced at the wyverns, "And establish a second skyfort, between here and the mountains to the north, that we may assist in maintaining the pact should Wyvernspur be overcome."   She turns to the assembled Goliaths, and shouts. "For Hiatae! We are bound for Brindweyr!"
    ... Your vision fades again, into unlit blackness. You feel as if you are falling, before suddenly you are shocked by the sudden brightness of the alpine sun. Shouts and yells pierce the frigid air, and your nose is cloyed with the smell of blood. Below you, you see a titanic struggle as bodies heave and grapple. A grey, dappled hand reaches up, great axe in hand, and swings it down into the neck of an elfin figure, which crumples to the ground. The snowy mountainside is slicked with red blood. Suddenly, the goliath stiffens, a massive spike driven through its chest, before its helpless body quivers and is lifted into the air. From behind it you now see an enormous wyvern, tailspike driven through the hapless goliath, and it spreads its wings as the body is thrown aside. Astride its neck is an elfin figure, armoured, who looks down at the carnage.   From across the field of battle, a tall goliath woman lays about herself with a greatsword. Elfin figures fall to the left and to the right, and behind her, huddled on the ground, innards steaming, is the eviscerated body of a wyvern. The goliath matron looks up and bellows across the battlefield.   "You will die for this betrayal, Vestele!"   Opposite her, separated by the heaving throng of goliath and elven bodies locked in combat, an elven woman astride a Wyvern hovers over the battlefield, the slowly beating wings of the beast whipping up flurries of snow and mud and blood. She sneers as she replies, her voice magically amplified.   "It should have been ours, Maathu! It will be ours."   A cry goes up from the field, and to one side bodies are tossed aside as a wyvern leaps into the air. Astride its back is an elven figure who holds aloft an ornate spear, the coronel cast in the form of a snarling dragon. As one, the remaining wyverns launch, one by one into the air. Elven figures begin beating their retreat, pursued by too few goliaths astride similar beasts.

    Rewards Granted

    • Broken Spear "Godgorger"
    • Goggles of Object Reading
    • Inquisitive's Goggles

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Slay Zitonai

    Character(s) interacted with

    Zitonai, the Burnished Huntress
    Session Commenced:
    The 12th day of Cyt, 1622 TER
    (Day 529 of the campaign)   Session Concluded:
    The 12th day of Cyt, 1622 TER
    (Day 529 of the campaign)
      60 days since Departing Phandalin.
    Report Date
    15 Dec 2021
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location