Sakira Character in Durin | World Anvil
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Sakira is a god of nature. She represents the changing aspects of nature. Most dramatically, they are the sudden storm, the volcanic eruption, and the ferocious flood. However, they are also the slow but steady erosion of earth and the migration of animals.   Sakira is recognized as the most mercurial of gods - benevolent and merciful when pleased, wrathful and destructive when enraged. Many pray to them to provide good weather and to not curse them with disasters. Sailors, merchants, and travelers may make offerings in Sakira's name to ensure a safe journey. Sakira is known to have taken mortal lovers, but such tales always end poorly.   Sakira is recognized as an equal member of the natural pantheon in the Skjoldr druidic tradition. In Atathian and Lurian cultures, Sakira is often worshiped as a secondary god, after Absyun.   Their holy places are often beset by storms and natural disasters, but the nature of their power means that it is unpredictable.

Divine Domains

Their domains are Nature and Tempest.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Their holy symbol is a stylized spiral, representing a cyclone or tornado, typically colored in white on a blue background.

Tenets of Faith

All things change. Sakira's devout recognize that all things must change, whether they are the seasons, the weather, or one's life. Eternal stasis is unnatural. The faithful must adapt and evolve themselves as the world around them changes.   Emotions and passion are life. Sakira's devout recognize the potency of their own joy, grief, and rage. They fully inhabit their emotions, living life to the fullest and following their passions.   Order is unnatural. Sakira's devout know that the idea of order is an illusion, especially in nature. Nature has many variations on any pattern, and those patterns change and evolve. To say that anything is right or wrong misses the idea that right and wrong themselves can change, given time and circumstance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sakira is the child of Kimula and the sibling of Kotala, Teratharok, and Wakash.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Non Binary

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