Porta Dell'alba Settlement in Durin | World Anvil
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Porta Dell'alba

Porta Dell'alba is the main port for imports and exports to Nuovo Tezzano, as well as a key dock for resupply. The natural harbor is large, with calm waters. Fortifications on islands at the mouth of the harbor as well as walls around the main city keep it safe from pirates and invaders. The City of Porta Dell'alba is painted in bright, tropical colors with well-paved streets. It is the symbol of the island's prosperity, and home to many merchants. The city has a cosmopolian atmosphere, with many cultures of the east and south represented.


Porta Dell'Alba is a cosmopolitan mix of different races and ethnicities. Humans are the majority of the populace (4,700), with most being from Lurian or Xin descent. There are significant minorities of Halflings (500), Tabaxi (200), Kenku (200), and Goblins (200). The remaining 200 citizens are Dwarves, Orcs, Elves, Half-Elves, Tieflings, Genasi, and Lizardfolk.   The Tabaxi of Porta Dell'Alba are a relatively new addition to the population of the town, with almost all moving into the city in the past decade.


Porta Dell'Alba is the home of the Viceduca (provincial governor), who manages the defense of the island and ensures that taxes are paid. The Viceduca is appointed by the Duca of Tezzano. The current Viceduca is Viceduca Manfredi Falco. Viceduca Falco has a 18 year old daughter named Liliana Falco. A council, consisting of four wealthy landowners and the Viceduca, maintains the day to day affairs of the city.   The Council includes:   Signore Enrico Forte: Enrico Forte is a retired condotierri, who has fought in many campaigns. Notably, he led the sack of Zukgrub in 6490 and led the defensive campaign against the Lizardfolk in 6509. He invested his wealth from those campaigns in a number of businesses. He was knighted into the Holy Order of St. Kassandros in recognition for his service. He has a daughter, Gabriella Forte, who is engaged to Antonio Solinas.   Antonio Solinas: Antonio is a relatively young man in his 20s who inherited great wealth after the death of his parents, including significant land holdings. Antonio is known to care for the condition of the farmers and other common folk and he has made several charitable investments in the countryside. Antonio Solinas is engaged to Gabriella Forte. He maintains the counsel of an Elven sage, Sevelor Withrethin.   Gastone Prima: Gastone Prima is a maritime business owner in his 40s. The Prima Fleet consists of a number of mercantile vessels responsible for import and export from the island. Gastone is quite popular in town and sponsors many festivals. Gastone is unmarried, although there are persistent rumors about his dalliances.   Daiyu Zhang: Daiyu Zhang comes from a long line of fishers, who built the Zhang Fishing Company from the ground up, without the aid of any noble title or status. Her family arrived as refugees from the Xin Empire generations ago. Regarded as fair and trustworthy, she is popular with fishers and other common people. Daiyu has a husband and three young children.


Porta Dell'Alba lies on a large island at the mouth of a natural harbor. Naval entry to the bay requires passing through straits. Land entry requires crossing a bridge from the main island to the island where the city is located.   Tezzano maintains a total of four fortifications around Porta Dell'Alba. Two are placed on either side of the naval straits, allowing for a crossfire on any ships entering the harbor. A third fortification sits at the bridge. A smaller fourth fortification surrounds the Viceduca's Palazzo on the main island. Heavy walls surround the city.

Points of interest

Castelli Blades: Castelli Blades is a blacksmith operated by Signore Vito Castelli. Signore Vito Castelli grew up as a blacksmith's son and then achieved some success as an Avventurerio. He slew a particularly dangerous beast and was knighted afterwards by the Duca of Tezzano. He now runs his father's smithy.   Cat's Cradle: One notable tavern in the city is the Cat's Cradle, owned by the Blythe family of Tabaxis. The tavern was opened in 6512 after the family moved to the city. It is known for it's lovely pastries prepared in the Vladkimiran style.   The Consiglio: The Consiglio is the town administrative center and meeting place for the town council. There is a plaza in front of the Consiglio to allow for performances and festivals.   Dragon Embassy: The Empire of Xin maintains an embassy and trade delegation within the city, nicknamed the Dragon Embassy. The delegation is overseen by Ambassador Ying Sun, a human woman who serves Valamthrax, Great Dragon Lord of Shanzou. The embassy is staffed by dozens of scribes and armed guards.   Fortezza Torino: Fortezza Torino is the largest fortress in the city, responsible for guarding entrance to the harbor. It also acts as the primary barracks for the city and jail.   Giallo Shipwrights: Giallo Shipwrights provides construction and repair for seagoing ships. The Shipwrights are owned by Signore Valente Giallo, who lives in the rural town of Veriposo.   The Heap: Many Goblins are employed in the town to pick up trash and other filth, which they bring to a dump outside of town for disposal. Goblins will scavenge in the refuse for any usable items. At this site is a Goblin merchant named Guano who sells scavenged and refurbished items, although rumors say he also acts as a fence and trades in information gathered by Goblins in the city.   Honesty of St. Kassandros: The Honesty of St. Kassandros is the city's cathedral dedicated to Absyun. The devout priest Father Biang Wu is a descendant of refugees who came to Porta Dell'Alba after the failed Sun Rebellion.   Temple of the Sea and Wind: Given the maritime nature of the island port, Sakira is an often worshipped Goddess, whose popularity is second only to Absyun. Most sailors, fishermen, and others give tribute to Sakira before heading out to sea, lest they provoke her wrath. The temple is overseen by Felicita Cadorna, a woman marked by the favor of her Goddess.   Tower of Cosima: Cosima the Unspoken is a tiefling wizard, who reportedly trained at the Academy in Vatalli. She mostly keeps to herself, but rumors swell about her dark powers.   Viceduca's Palazzo: The Viceduca's Palazzo, often called "the Palazzo", stands within the City. It is fortified and the primary residence and place of business for the Viceduca.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
La Porta
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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