Dunya History of the Kingdoms Timeline
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History of the Kingdoms

The Beforetimes

... 0 BT

The time of tribal lifestyles and before proper recording

  • -1 BT

    The Cataclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    The time of the titans, under this destruction the tribes temporarily unite and spend all their efforts on survival

  • 0 BT

    -1 BT

    The Great War
    Military action

    The War involving all the tribes of old. Believed to be the root cause of the Cataclysm

After war

1 AW and beyond

This is the time after the cataclysm, a new world of peace and coexistence

  • 0 AW

    0 AW

    The Arrival
    Religious event

    This marks the arrival of the Four guardians and their subsequent rescue of the last tribes sill standing against the titans

    More reading
    The Four
  • The founding of Ocros
    The creation of the First city

    The people of the Earthen tribes abandon their nomadic paths through the mountains and construct the foundations of the City of Ocros within the iron hills

    More reading
    Kingdom of Ocros
  • The founding of Inios
    The Second city

    The people of Inios arrive at their new lands, the archipelago and begin building structures to their guardian in praise

    More reading
    Kingdom of Inios
  • The founding of Kuthras
    The third city

    The people of Kuthras see the people of Inios raising structures to their guardian and decide that their guardian deserves more, they move off the forest floor and up into the treetops to praise their guardian from the highest height

    More reading
    Kingdom of Kuthras
  • The founding of Ates
    The Last city

    The people of Ates finally decide to copy the other tribes and settle a permanent structure, however they refuse to give up their old traditions and hold themselves above the other tribes because of them.

    The City of Ates
    More reading
    Kingdom of Ates