The Four Myth in Dunya | World Anvil
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The Four

No history or information survived whatever event caused the Cataclysm. All that is known is that it released the energy of the elemental planes across the material plane. On the whole this led to one of the worst conflicts ever to be recorded and was the foundation of the current kingdoms. - H. Glovener, Head researcher of the Cataclysm at the Elemental Institute.


The Cataclysm was a massive surge of energy that caused the release of elemental powers across the world. It also led to a massive increase in the number of elementals within the world. It is said that with these new powers the primitive tribes went to war to prove their elemental prowess to be superior. The only thing that stopped them from destroying each other was the arrival of four titanic elementals

The Earthshatterer collapsed onto the earthen tribes and sought to crush their magic from them
The Darkflame erupted over the flame tribes and sought to burned their magic from them
The Windstorm hurtled over the air tribes and sought to blast their magic from them
The Coastrender surged over the water tribes and sought to sunder their magic from them

These new threats united the tribes in an attempt to survive but the tribes were easily defeated. But moments before their destruction four guardians rose up and saved them

The Colossus trapped the Earthshatterer below the ground forever and gave the earthen tribes new ground to live.
The Brightburner trapped the Darkflame within the fires of Mt Vuur and gave the fertile plains to fire tribes.
The EternalStorm trapped the Windstorm among the clouds and gave the treetops to the air tribes
The TideBringer trapped the Coastrender within the deepest trench and gave the Archipelago to the water tribes

These guardians then retreated away, never heard from again. Seemingly content with the peace they have created.

Historical Basis

The Elemental Institute has spent decades attempting to unravel the myth of the four guardians but beyond the idea that a war did happen and then an otherwise inexplicable peace settled across the land nothing new has been discovered. The Institutes current focus is attempting to find evidence of the prisons that the destructive elementals were trapped in, so far to no avail.


Everyone has learnt of the four primordial titans and the four primal titans, which is a tale told to children of all kingdoms and it is taught as the origin of society and civilisation in many places. Often in place of gods, people will raise shrines and temples to these original guardians and some even claim to have been visited in their dreams by the guardians and given special tasks. Those that leave on these tasks are never seen again.   Despite how widespread this is tale there are still those who doubt it and who follow more typical and traceable gods.

Variations & Mutation

Each kingdom tell the myth slightly differently, often in an attempt to make themselves or their guardian seem more powerful than others. It is also told in variation to justify the political system throughout history such as the Kingdom of Ates claiming that prior to leaving the Brightburner instructed them to never depose of their monarchy or ruling family.

Cultural Reception

The myth of The Four is where the kingdoms draw their sense of both individuality and also the things that bind them as they were chosen to survive the Primal titans by their saviours. This myth also explains the reason that the kingdoms are averse to war or disrupting the peace for an extended amount of time, for they fear that the conflict will draw the primal titans out and that the primal titans won't save them a second time.

In Art

The Institute have so far discovered a small amount of cave paintings and ancient imagery however much of it conflicts with the tale and the widespread myth.  Below the treetop city of Kuthras, within the forest of giants, there lie a great many ruins and while these could be the trick to understanding more of this older time the forest is too inhospitable to manage a long term
Date of Setting
1 BT

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