Renalia Geographic Location in Dunaterra | World Anvil
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One of three independent 'sister' city-states, along with Diston and Atravia.   Renalia is a medium-sized trade junction and glass-producing town that borders both the Southern Sister Peaks and the Aarasyl Desert. Glass, made from the sands of the Aarasyl and shipped to expensive estates for windows, is made with great care by the most advanced craftsmen in their line of work.   Additionally, Renalia is one of two independent city-states that trade directly with the Hino'ithal, nomadic drow sand-sailors of the Aarasyl, along with Nadril. Most of the trade done is with produce, usually packaged in such a way that it can survive the intense heat of the desert, as well as glass to be traded south on the continent.   Due to their trade dealings and being located on the edge of the desert, as well as their location near the mountains, Renalia has the most robust milita of the sister-cities it resides in, keeping a well-trained and fortified force at the ready. So far no major conflicts have arisen, and relations with the Hino'ithal have continued to be positive.


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