Aarasyl Desert Geographic Location in Dunaterra | World Anvil
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Aarasyl Desert (AR-us-ILL)

The Aarasyl Desert is a vast wasteland that stretches across a good portion of the southwestern region of Obeavos. While desolate and bleak, it is home to a number of creatures, plants, and nomadic peoples (such as the Hino'ithal) who have learned to find the hidden water that keeps life trickling along the sands.   During the warmest days of the year, parts of the Aarasyl desert can reach over 130 degrees, and winds can whip up desert dust storms over a mile high. Constant static friction in these storms can cause electrical surges with the appearance of lightning, making them even more hazardous to navigate beyond their disorientation.   Despite the dangers, the Marstoli Commonwealth has founded the Marstoli Gem Mine in a more-or-less protected cove in the sands, finding a wealth of precious gems and metals deep beneath the shifting surface. However, gaining such resources comes at a cost, and the creatures and monsters that inhabit both the sands of the desert and the caves beneath it can be very deadly.


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