Emaul Geographic Location in Dunaterra | World Anvil
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Emaul is the smaller of the two contenents of Dunaterra, filling the Eastern half of the world. It produces much of the world economy's iron, marble, and silver, and is home to the Dravenforth Empire.   The various cultures of Emaul have traditionally been less ready to comingle than on its sister continent of Obeavos, resulting in longer periods of culture-based skirmishes and war, as well as an extended point in history of more segregated communities. While larger cities like Ringterel and Olazure saw a quick decline in the separation, many of the smaller settlements continued to have very distinct communities, and it wasn't until the last several hundred years that this began to change.   Nowadays it's still somewhat common to find stricter communities of Elves, Halflings, and occasionally Tieflings outside of cities in their own communities. Within most city borders, however, the general population has become more of a melting pot.


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