Dravenforth Empire Organization in Dunaterra | World Anvil
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Dravenforth Empire

The third of the geopolitical powerhouses, located on the continent of Emaul. Capital city of Ringterel.   The Dravenforth Empire is a large and powerful empire lining the southern coast of Emaul. Originating in Ringterel and with Thane Dravenforth, the empire first saw its growth with the forcible induction of Titus and, subsequently, the less-forcible inclusion of Fjorland. Thane, now titled King Draven, expanded the empire to include the entirety of the southern border, solidifying the empire as the de-facto powerhouse on the continent.   The Dravenforth Empire is currently under the control of Erik Maculus (full title: Grand Emperor Erik Maculus, Emperor of the Second Moon, Firstborn of the Sun, Favored of the Gods, Commander of the Kingdoms of the South). During his reign, approval has skyrocketed, and the general populace in the empire finds it favorable. While there are some dissenters, they are few and far between. Critics say that is because the Iron-Faced Army -- IFA, the empire's secret police, actively discourage and hunt any who would cause civil unrest. However, these accusations are merely speculative, and the empire and Erik both vehemently deny any such coersion happening.   The empire boasts the largest standing military on Dunaterra, and is often consulted on military tactics, training and strategizing by entities outside the empire for advice.
Geopolitical, Empire


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