Erik Maculus Character in Dunaterra | World Anvil
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Erik Maculus (MAk-cue-lus)

Grand Emperor Erik Maculus, Emperor of the Second Moon, Firstborn of the Sun, Favored of the Gods, Commander of the Kingdoms of the South. Though his title is often repeated, and receives an appropriate amount of mockery and scorn, the man himself is generally popular among those he rules over and has a reputation of stern fairness.   The second-born son of Henry Maculus, Erik rose in popularity and power when his older brother was exposed as a witch attempting to contact devils. Usurping his aging father's throne and banishing his brother, Erik took control of the empire and immediately began working towards improvement. Mobilizing the military and implementing strict training regimens, Erik made it clear that the Dravenforth Empire was not a foe to be trifled with.   While the Empire had maintained its control over the various city-states occupied under it, expansion had been stagnant for over a century and the number of insurgents and political dissidents had started to grow. Alongside the military, Erik revamped training and implementation of the Iron-Faced Army -- IFA, increasing their power and numbers dramatically. In the 20 years since his coronation, the IFA went from being an almost forgotten relic to a terrifying force, with mythos and rumor swirling around them and their purpose.   The few who have met Erik personally speak of a tall, intimidating presence. Often seen with flaming red hair combed into a large mane behind his head and a full, well-groomed beard, Erik is a very recognizable figure, standing above most others in a room.


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