Bolan Strait Geographic Location in Dunaterra | World Anvil
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Bolan Strait

A narrow strait that connects the Azurali Sea to the open ocean. Currently under control of Fort Marstol and the Selenavi Republic .   The Bolan Strait is the only access to the Azurali sea, and the settlements that line its shores. Because of this, conflict over who controlled the straight has plagued it for centuries. The city positioned just inside the mouth became the most important strategic point on the continent, and it was controlled by many different groups over a number of centuries. Eventually the Selenavi Republic was formed and managed to maintain a hold on the city, officially founding Selenia and definitively controlling the strait.   The Bolan Strait is unique in its depth; large ships are able to sail into the Azurali sea, although care must be taken when passing through the cliffs at the mouth. Despite the turbulent conditions not far from its mouth, the Bolan Strait remains relatively peaceful do to the natural bay near the mouth.


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