Serran Nuwar Character in Drimore | World Anvil

Serran Nuwar

Written by Mobsterb353

Apprentice Serran Nuwar

Serran is the youngest fledgling of 5 siblings,

and his birth process was much easier for his mother, Ulia.   Instead of developing in a two-egg pregnancy, he was the only fertilized egg, and as such, Ulia was very grateful for that. When Serran was born, Ulia immediately took him under her wing, and he quickly became her favorite son. This, coupled with the fact that Serran was both weaker and smarter than his siblings, lead to him being picked on often and even excluded from the games they would play. Serran was often the favorite child by everyone he didn't want to impress. Serran was loved by his mother, and he was sorta taken under the wing of his grandfather, Hideaki Nuwar, but for him growing up, all he wanted was to impress his father and older siblings. Try as he might to overcome his siblings' distaste for him, Serran's siblings resented him because of Serran's over-confident exterior and because of his family's favoritism.   However, this did not stop Serran from being all he could be, and instead, Serran threw himself into learning everything he could, even practicing charisma, learning how to work around any situation, and turn things in his favor. For the longest time, Serran did this in desperation to be liked by those he looked up to, though this only made him more disliked as a know-it-all. At school, however, Serran was well known and that popularity went to his head, causing him to act out and cause trouble. Towards the end of his adolescence and schooling, Serran's father, Akomaru began to step up and become more active in his life, especially with two other siblings fully grown and living on their own. This proved very helpful for Serran, and he began to heal emotionally and finally get some of what he was always striving for: acceptance.   When Serran finished school, he wanted to take his powers with water manipulation to higher heights and become all he could be. This inspiration came out of a poor decision he made to reject the gift his grandfather had for him on Serran's coming of age celebration. For male Alatash, it is custom to give each son a weapon at age 18 to defend themselves and their future families. Mr. Hideaki gave his grandson his very own crafted water blade hilt, and Serran, seeing the new hilts his brothers got, openly rejected his weapon and even publically made it known before his friends and family on that day. This hurt his grandfather and angered his parents. After the party ended and Serran was reprimanded, they sat him down and explained all the work that went into the hilt he was receiving as a gift, and when he understood, he found a new respect for his grandfather and family.   Thereafter Serran soon became an acolyte at an arcane school in Umorlia, but quickly found out how to master his skills and wanted to learn more than the school could teach. One day, Serran discovered that there was a way he could take his intelligence to a whole new level and project it on others to gain more information on them, as well as control what they see and feel. It was apparent that this knowledge was forbidden in Umorlia, but Serran's old nature to learn and control wasn't gone, so Serran left despite the warnings to go and learn more about this. His journeys took brought him to Sorapoli where he has found a teacher who was willing to teach him this arcane knowledge, and that man was Silvester Furmilo.

Physical Description

Body Features

Serran is somewhat scrawny for a regular Alatash, and he hasn't put much focus into body development. He's not weak, he's just not strong either.

Identifying Characteristics

Serran is an Alatash born over the ocean, and this has caused him to have natural blue wings. Nothing stands out more on Serran than his blue wings.

Physical quirks

Growing up, and as a source of embarrassment, Serran's wings developed slower than usual, reaching full maturation at around 19, instead of the usual age of about 16 or 17. Today, however, his wings are fully strong and normal.

Special abilities

Serran has the ability to masterfully manipulate water of any kind. He can pull water out of the air with some strain, or out of a body of water with ease. He can turn water into ice, purify the water of impurities, and even make clouds you can safely stand on.   Serra also has minor psionic abilities from his studies with Silvester. Serran is able to speak directly to people's minds if he can visibly see them, cast powerful hallucinations that are both seen and felt, and perform different types of trickery just for fun. With great strain, Serran can also cast mass hallucinations, though this quickly leaves Serran drained. Recently, Serran has learned the ability to control the minds and body of a nonsentient creature, but if he is not careful, this can cause him to have a massive migraine.   Finally, and so far Serran is not sure how he did this, nor how to stop it when it happens, Serran can occasionally pull him and someone else into a mental plane. Serran has the ability to control the mental plane but does not know how to get out of it, once inside.

Apparel & Accessories

Serran wears form-fitting pants, and lace-up sandals. However, Serran also wears somewhat looser tunics and shirts in minor compensation of his scrawny frame.

Specialized Equipment

Serran is skilled in water sword combat, though he prefers to use other forms of water magic and psionics first.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Serran has been through a lot, and frankly, these things he's been through have hit him all at once, with very little respite.   Up until 1050ABD, Serran had only ever known two locations: Umorlia, his hometown, and Sorapoli, the place of his current residence and study under the psionic master, Silvester Furmilo. However, as fate would have it, Silvester sent his apprentice out to do a simple task of retrieving water specifically from the large body of water closest to Sorapoli, Miro Lake, and from there, nothing has remotely been the same for Serran.   While gathering water for his master, Serran encountered a strange group of people on a military ship, headed to the Ancora Kingdom to help in the decades-long war with the Silvers. On this ship were Aurra, Beolore, Kiernan, and Mimyra as well as many Daoine, as they were the contingency that was being sent to Ancora Kingdom to help. From that point forward, Serran went on to help in a war he knew nothing about in Ancora, then help stop a plague that was affecting the desert Daoine of Ra Minol, and finally end up on a cursed island with several of his new friends, only to later break the curse.   Today, Serran is now on his way back to Sorapoli, where he will discover the fate of his current home.




Serran has attended:
  • Regular Grade School (Umorlia)
  • Arcanic School (Umorlia)
  • Silvester's Academy of Psionics (Sorapoli)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Serran has fought in the most recent battle of Ancora against the Silver Dragons, helped find a cure for a mysterious plague in Ra Minol, and helped defeat the woman who started the plague. From here, Serran got marooned on a cursed island called Janshima Island, and it was here that he help defeat a small army of Tricerators and raptors raiding a village.

Mental Trauma

Serran still has slight PTSD from the recent battle of Ancora and from a mental assault by Aurra Maudelyn. Other than this, Serran is fairly stable, even given his current predicament on Janshima Island.

Intellectual Characteristics

Serran is very adept at water magic, so much so, he focuses more on psionics because it challenges him greater. Serran has enough knowledge about water magic, that he is cable of moving large amounts of water from just about any source and bend it to his bidding.   Serran is very smart and understands more than he allows others to know. Often times, Serran likes to hide his intelligence in a poorly timed joke that irritates people.

Morality & Philosophy

Serran's morality and philosophy is a mix of his own traditional culture of the Alatash, and that of his own. Like most Alatash, Serran is very respectful to people he trusts, and he is willing to help others in need who are suffering. But Serran doesn't just limit his generosity to people of his race, unlike the Alatash. More or less, Serran believes in equality of the different races.   Serran is also not one for lingering on negative emotions for too long. This does not mean that Serran never allows himself or others to feel bad, but rather, if he has the ability to laugh off his problems, he will. That said, Serran is only mediocrely good with comedy, and usually tends to be more sarcastic and annoy others.


Serran would never cut the wings off of a fellow Alatash unless he knew they were deserving of such a punishment. An Alatash's wings are their life, and to no longer have wings, is to be useless in Serran's eyes. Alatash are born to fly.

Personality Characteristics


Serran is mainly motivated by the pursuit of knowledge and experience, though he also truly cares for those he finds as friends. Serran is loyal, so when he finds people who truly care about his well-being, he often sticks with them. Serran is also starting to be motivated by having the chance to help a friend going through a hard time. If there happens to be someone who is emotionally struggling or in actual danger, Serran does move to save that person if he can.   Serran is also motivated to take care of his romantic interests. Now being in a fresh relationship with Aurra, Serran is motivated to keep her safe at all costs and holds grudges against those who harm her. Serran is fiercely loyal to Aurra.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Serran is naturally good with water magic, and is among the best water benders of all the Alatash in the land.

Likes & Dislikes

Serran really enjoys rice, and Serran can eat rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Serran also likes ocean fish and finds he prefers that to river fish due to the saltier flavor of an ocean fish.   Serran doesn't really like most drinks that are not water. Having lived in a cloud city most of his life, water is what's most abundant, so anything else is foreign to him.

Personality Quirks

Serran has a tendency to make a person who's angry with him, more angry, because he likes to tease said people. He does it in hopes it will cause the person to drop their angry attitude, but it often doesn't work, because Serran is irritated anyways and can rarely do this without also feeling spiteful towards his victim.


Contacts & Relations

For reasons Serran is not really sure of, Serran is trusted by Waru Abe, and often Waru will follow Serran around. Serran also has had a girlfriend back in Umorlia whom he's had sex with. He is not entirely sure if she became pregnant from that, but he tries not to think about it, given how that relationship ended. It still brings him much shame. Feeling ashamed of how he strung her along and pressured her to have sex, as he left Umorlia, he decided to quietly leave her with an apology letter before he left but has since not remained in contact with her.   Later, when Serran began a new journey away from Sorapoli, he came to meet another woman, Aurra Ianarie Maudelyn. Upon meeting Aurra, Serran did not right away do very well with her, in fact, Serran made Aurra so frustrated with him that she essentially assaulted his mind with telepathy and put Serran in mental hot flames. However, and with time, Serran slowly backed away from provoking Aurra and came to just treat her as a friend, and through the present trials that Serrand and Aurra and currently facing, a new flirtatious period has started with them that could bud into something more. Currently, Serran and Aurra are dating.

Family Ties

Serran's mother is Ulia Nuwar Serran's father is Akomaru Nuwar Serran has 4 other siblings, all of which are brothers Serran's grandfather on his father's side is Mr. Hideaki Nuwar

Religious Views

Serran primarily worships four gods: Mishabar , Kardan, and The Goddess, and now recently Anteros. Whether by tradition or personal experience, Serran looks up to Mishabar for help with most of the problems he doesn't know how to handle... However, since Anteros has been a big help for him many times as of later, Serran has really started to go to Anteros almost more than he typically goes to Mishabar in prayer. Serran typically prays to Anteros by pulling out a pink medallion that was given to him by Anteros. When prayed to with this coin, Anteros will usually appear to Serran in the form of a smokey image.   In addition to Mishabar and Anteros, Serran also worships Kardan, because he is always wanting to know the truth about different people. But because life is very random for him, he prays to The Goddess for protection, and that her face would shine upon him.

Social Aptitude

Serran is fairly charismatic and knows how to get his way with most people. As such, he likes to play this off with people forthright and trolly.


Serran speaks with a mild Japanese accent. This is due to the pronunciation of words in the Jailic language which is similar to the Japanese language.


Serran Nuwar

Boyfriend (Important)

Towards Aurra Ianarie Maudelyn



Aurra Ianarie Maudelyn

Girlfriend (Important)

Towards Serran Nuwar




Aurra and Serran initially started on shaky ground, as Serran was an instigator and often went out of his way to agitate Aurra and others with his mocking sense of humor and rougher past. However, after being assaulted in his mind by Aurra, Serran began to back down and stop teasing her as much. This gave both parties time to heal and reflect, and when they both got marooned on the dangerous Janshima Island, the trials they faced slowly pushed them closer together as they were able to help each other out in the emotional struggles they regularly faced from their past and present. When Serran had to let go of a significant item from his past to sacrifice to the wind, Serran began opening up to Aurra in a deeper way, which motivated her to start to do the same thing, and this started to get Serran to look at her from a different light. They now presently share each other's thoughts on occasion through telepathy.   When the curse was broken off of Janshima Isle, and while the two of them were on a boat heading back to the mainland, it was here that Aurra professed her love of Serran, and after a moment of working through some misconceptions, Serran did the same with her. Now the two of them have begun dating. Where will this go? Only time will tell.

Relationship Reasoning

Met over adventures and bonded through shared trials and suffering. Found that both were able to help the other through hard times.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Serran and Aurra are religious and have a firm belief in the divine, unlike most others. Serran and Aurra both have an understanding of psionics and are able to either read or affect others' minds.

Serran Nuwar

Classmate (Trivial)

Towards Waru Abe



Waru Abe

Classmate (Vital)

Towards Serran Nuwar




Serran came to Sorapoli long after Waru came and became and apprentice to Silvester. When Serran joined the academy, for a good while, he did not trust nor like Waru... But time after time, Serran watched as Waru was excluded from the other acolytes circle of friends. Growing up rejected by his own siblings, Serran felt dutiful to Waru and started reaching out to him. Because Waru was under the psionic pacification of Silvester, Waru was never quite able to express his gratefulness to Serran for his efforts to even include him.   One day Serran was sent on a mission to get water for the academy, he got swept up with a caravan of ships heading to Ancora, and while he was gone, Waru also left the academy and made his way to Ra Minol. When the two got reunited, Waru was no longer under the psionic pacification by Silvester, and Waru revealed to Serran how much Serran meant to him. Now they are both stuck on the island of Janshima.

Relationship Reasoning

Classmates in Silvester's academy.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both are adept at Psionics

Youngest son of Ulia and Akomaru Nuwar, charismatic extraordinaire, apprentice of Silvester Furmilo

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Current Status
Heading back to the continent of Southern Mitralia
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Apprentice of Silvester
30 (Actual Age) 35 (Biological Age)
Current Residence
Ocean Blue Eyes
Dirty-Blond Hair that gets brighter closer to the tips
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light, Golden Brown Skin
Serran worships primarily Mishabar and Anteros
Known Languages
Jailic and Common

Articles under Serran Nuwar

I'm dating a Daoine O_O
Celetus 23rd, 1050ABD

From this point forward, I am going to write in this journal in Jailic. I have been surrounded by a bunch of people I call my friends, but I have had no long-term home, or heck, room to myself. So this is only for my eyes to see.   That said, I am SO excited and SO overwhelmed right now. I'm in a relationship... Again! And with a beautiful Daoine woman no less! I really could not see this coming though. I mean, I know we were spending extra time together over the months when stuff wasn't going down, but... Wow. Am I jumping into this too fast? I mean... We just got off of Janshima Island, we're on our way back to Sorapoli, FINALLY, and now? I'm in a relationship. Wow.   Well... I do love Aurra, and I appreciate who she is through and through. I think this'll be okay.   Anteros, if you are reading this, please guide me in this new relationship! I really don't want it to end up like my last relationship!


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