The Overgrowth Geographic Location in Dreva | World Anvil

The Overgrowth

This is a dense forest outside of the city of Heninstadt (Past). It spans quite a ways out of the city and was once home to the elven refugees who settled here. When Queen Alindel brought her people to Heninstadt, she convinced the king to let her settle her people here, that they would provide a great service to the kingdom of Brinhof. After some discussion, the king allowed her and her people to stay and they planted this forest to act as the Elves' new home. They grew the trees and molded them into their homes, and it was beautiful. The trees grew large and tall, and bridges woven from living wood connected several homes together. However, as the years since The Writhing Death chased everyone out, most of the homes have been grown over and the belongings are buried deep within the trunks.


This forest rests upon several rocky hills, and it has The Dark River flowing close by it.

Fauna & Flora

Many forest animals call this place their home. Many wolves prowl between the trees, once tamed by the elves now run wild and free. It is the only place in the region where many animals not native to the Ashen Coast can be found. The trees here are not like those in the surrounding areas, these grow much taller and wider, big enough to easily fit a home in. These trees also bear more fruit than the average tree does.

Natural Resources

Lots and lots of wood can be found in this forest along with lots of berries and apples.
Alternative Name(s)
Alindel's Garden
Location under


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