Temple of Lark Building / Landmark in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
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Temple of Lark

In the Southeast portion of the Heart of the Desert, there is a three-story ziggurat of beige stone surrounded by arched walls adorned in various desert flora. At night, colorful lights emerge from the flowers here, dancing across the courtyard and up the ziggurat. Within the walls is a massive courtyard adorned with various fountains, pools, patterned walkways, statues, patches of colorful sand morphed into beautiful patterns, trimmed hedges, and multitudes of people musing, singing, and creating. Each level ziggurat is adorned with flora, lined with walls of colorful archways, and decorated with patterns, statues, and more. From the center of the ziggurat, a massive tree grows with its branches extending outward and winding through the halls and displays within. The most noticeable feature, however, is the large gold dragon that winds around the structure. In recent years, it has begun to be less... tangible, seemingly almost translucent as if nothing more than a figment of one's imagination.  

Oh Muses, what tales of old shall we sing? What hero’s tale shall we paint upon the walls? Is there one story that should be told over another? Within the halls of the Temple of Lark, every story has its place and every singer, artist, poet, and crafter shall have at least a moment in the spotlight. As the God of Creativity, Music, Crafts, Inspiration, and the Arts, any offering of the brilliance of one’s mind is worship of Lark. While such crafts need not occur in his temple, this ziggurat exists to offer a haven of peace where the conflict and strife of the city are kept at bay. Within its walls, all that matters is what you wish to create and produce. If you are in need of inspiration, one may seek out any Acolyte, Priestess, or Priest to exchange ideas. Or perhaps you prefer a more quiet inspiration and, if so, peruse any of the galleries on display at the moment… for they may not be there in the future. Any and all art galleries at the Temple are – at some point in time – offered to the Sea of Moving Art.  
The flora along the walls are native to the desert, but become more and more lush as one moves to the center of the ziggurat and the massive tree within. While the oasis can certainly provide water, it seems almost impossible that such a patch of lush green and a massive tree would survive here. Perhaps it is a miracle of Lark meant to inspire all?  
  Outside, people gather to listen to Priests, Priestesses, and the passing bard regale them with tales of old and new, to watch people in the midst of their craft, and to discuss with fellow creative minds of their passions, projects, and inspirations. Sculptures have been arranged throughout and are often draped in different clothing from day-to-day, as different artists submit their own creations. Hedges are often cut and trimmed to various designs and new gardeners can always be seen moving in and out. Pools of sand are changed from day-to-day or hour-to-hour and artists of all skillsets can be seen there at various hours of the day. Singers, poets, and performing troupes often find places here to rehearse or to perform, taking breaks within the ziggurat when the afternoon sun reaches its zenith.  

The Great Tree & Its Keepers

  Although the entire ziggurat is open to anyone to come and go as they please, the central chamber – the core – that contains the trunk of the Great Tree is always closed behind two great embellished doors and placed under light guard.  If one is curious and wishes to see what lies within, one must only gain the permission and escort of a Priest, Priestess, or Acolyte of Lark.  
  Inside, the cylindrical chamber extends throughout all floors of the ziggurat with openings strategically placed to allow the large branches to traverse throughout the surrounding rooms and galleries. Winding stairs lead towards the base of the tree. Brass spiles have been embedded sporadically throughout the tree's massive trunk, permitting thin trails of bronze and gold to drip from it... turning to teal and then crystal clear water at the base where it meets the soft dirt and grass. In front of the Great Tree, the trio of attendants delight in the creative expression of one another. The Laurels are three sisters believed to either be nymphs or dryads of the Great Tree or daughters of Lark. They do not speak to outsiders, but their mere presence is often enough to inspire. Wreathed in gold, these women's spend their day tending to the Great Tree delighting in creative expression and art.  

The "Clergy" and High Priest of Lark

Acolytes, Priests, and Priestesses can take many forms and are often hard to identify from amidst the crowds of people that move throughout the Temple. Each member of Lark's religious order can be identified by a wreath of golden laurels or a small bronze lyre carving pinned somewhere on their person. All of Lark's order are creators in some way, shape, or form. Most spend their time creating or planning future galleries for the Temple and, by extension, the Sea of Moving Art. Others, however, have interpreted Lark's teachings to motivate their path as teachers. As such, there is a walkway between the second story of the ziggurat and LIMA to facilitate the movement of those with a passion for teaching and inspiring the arts in others.

Compared to the religious orders of other members of the pantheon, the role of High Priest or Priestess is a bit... unconventional. Lark goes through High Priests and Priestesses faster than any other faith. The role is granted to an individual amidst the order who presents and proposes a suitable and creatively inspired idea for an artistic display, structure, or gallery that can be presented in the center of the Temple Courtyard and then donated to the Sea of Moving Art. Once this task is completed, the next High Priest or Priestess is chosen. The current High Priest, Cyrus Lark, is in the midst of assembling his metallic monstrosity and masterpiece. Scavenged from the arcane skiffs that fail to make the journey across the Dune Sea, he hopes to merge the metal of the future with the fire of his past and create an ode to breaking free of the chains that bind us to what others believe we should be and to instead embrace a future of freedom in finding our own paths with those we choose to walk them with. Given this is a work in progress, the central portion of the Temple Courtyard has been loosely blocked off and currently features piles of scrap and other metal carcasses.
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Related Report (Secondary Locations)

The Ziggurat




The Current Galleries, Performances & Displays

  1. The Glass Sivat – the largest blown glass piece in the entire Temple
  2. The Dancing Paintings – An ode to traditional dancers throughout history
  3. Lark & the Laurels – A marble statue in transition, draped in various silks & textiles
  4. Color Bomb – Someone (intentionally) spilled paint here.
  5. Fortune's Fall – A scheduled historical, political drama with a dose of current scandals
  6. S & S – A loosely structured, popular comedic dialogue often performed in the Courtyard

The Laurels

  The three muses of the Great Tree:
  1. Laurelia (left) – An excellent singer, orator, and composer
  2. Laurella (middle) – A carver, sculpter, and weaver
  3. Laureli (right) – A dancer, acrobat, and actress


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