Session 91 – Where is Your God Now? Report in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 91 – Where is Your God Now?

General Summary

The Doctor Will See... Two of You Now.

Prior to departing Tel'Rhea, Azrail adds a piece of himself to the baggie collection in Six's room. Rani, meanwhile, departed to the Temple of Tel'Rhea, going all the way to speak to the big mother herself. Rani asked for Tel'Rhea to guard the diary and the Goddess agreed, tucking it within the confines of her flower shawl as she sat atop her throne. Rani promised to try and bring back proof of what is happening. The Goddess reminded her that her life, too, is a precious thing. Rani then returned to the Orchard, asking Purrsephone to take the map – bound in the Nondetection ring – and hide it somewhere. The cat gave her a look like "you came to the right place" before zooming into the mess of Six's abode. Ghilani ponders whether Ismera is a metallic, chromatic, or gem dragon.

  After the group partook in a quickly assembled Heroes' Feast, Moira brought them into the confines of their boat in Eredet. Newt mentioned perhaps letting someone know what they were about to do. Lux? Leon? They may or may not be reachable if they are in the Tower Citadel. Declan suggested Rayen. We know he's out and about, a message should reach him... though it seems he might be trancing now. He does tend to work nights.

  The Deep End moved stealthily across the massive city of Eredet, arriving once more in the District of Judas. The sewers felt vaguely like the 4th Ward to Azrail, though older and much less cared for. Rani guided them through a more winding route back to where they were. Ghilani confirmed the overwhelming presence of abjuration as they eventually arrived at a caved in rubble wall.

  After pausing, Rani leaned up against a wall and found that it... gave a little? A stone wall shouldn't do that. Turning, she began to push, with Declan alongside her, and passed through an illusory wall and through a doorway... into a dark corridor filled with fog. Declan took no more than a few steps before he felt compelled to leave. Turning, he picked up Ghilani remarking that he "didn't want to be there anyway" and started moving backward. After a nice whip bonk from Azrail, Declan snapped out of it. Rani led the charge through the corridor until she too was informed to leave. However, a light slap from Moira was enough to keep her moving forward.

  Taking one final turn, there was a T-juncture at the end... but as Newt and Rani left, the others found that they couldn't follow as a Wall of Force sprung into place. Newt began to hear the soft, escalating noise of something powering up in the distance.

  A sensation passed over Newt and Rani's minds, almost digging in and prying. As their eyes closed, wincing from the pressure and the foreign presence. They inhaled... and the air felt different. The others found that both Rani and Newt were gone. Declan and Azrail (now as a badger, this is important) began frantically digging through the physical walls in an attempt to get past the magical wall. The others debated what to do. Moira attempted to Misty Step, but found her teleportation was blocked. After a few minutes, Ghilani disintegrated the door... and a few moments later, Declan and Moira heard something powering up... but Azrail heard every gear turn and knew that it emanated from up ahead and downward.


Sedated and Docilely Confused

Newt and Rani found themselves in a room made completely of metal. One large machine, sparking orange, appeared to be slowly powering down. But another stood by... ominously lurking. As the effects of the Abduction faded... Newt noted the odd patterns in the floor and a myriad of small perforations. Rani noticed the outline of three figures beyond darkened, thick glass. One of them... very much seemed to be wearing a bird mask.

A lovely little bargaining chip all colorfully wrapped. Were you foolish enough to bring those darling little items with you? For your sake, I hope you did. Without them, you are worthless to me, after all.   Volo wasn't in my original set of cards to play... but what a vast array of potential. I suppose I should also thank you. For the blood, of course. Otherwise, my Lollith would have never pursued her "real" father. Though I always suspected.

As Newt crossed the room to stand near Rani – both managing to avoid the brunt of shock as the floors erupted in an array of lightning sparks – Rani turned to speak to The Doctor through the thick glass. It is unfortunate that you are here. Lay down your arms and perhaps you may leave here yet. All of us? What about the others who are not yet here? Yeah, I don't think I will lay down my weapons. It is a reasonable response for someone who just barged into my home right through the front door. The best door to barge in through, though.

  The other machine ignited and the whole room felt cold before the very fabric of magic was suppressed. Newt moved to investigate the machine firing at it and then landing on it, finding it wasn't quite effective. And then... he felt something drawn forth from his inner being. Perhaps better to not be on this thing. He flew upward, only to be knocked out of the air shortly thereafter as rage-filled, anguished screams from a familiar dragonborn were broadcasted across the room.

  As the walls rise and later drop, a series of white masks close in – sedating and carrying out both Rani and Newt as the Doctor... merely watched. Didn't even need to get his hands dirt. Topside, now through the Wall of Force, Declan seemed incredibly concerned, especially as the noise kicked up once again. We need to go. We need to move away... but as the machine builds and crescendos, and as they all clutch their heads and blink... it is only Moira left standing there. Panicked, Moira runs down both corridors to find that they have been caved in... dead ends. As she began to search the walls for any way forward, the doors suddenly open for her.

  Ghilani, Declan, and Azrail arrived in a hexagon room composed of metal. Declan and Azrail found themselves positioned directly in front of the thick glass while Ghilani landed at the other end. As the floor flooded with sparks, Declan and Ghilani shook off the effects, but Azrail was jolted.
You... are Carmenthian, are you not? I recognize the stench of my old domain. There is much I can accomplish with you... I'd only need a little time.
  And Azrail causally responds... as a badger.  
What an opportunity. Ah, how I look forward to ripping you apart seam by seam... what secrets do you hold? I am excited already.   I'm TERRIBLY sorry I missed your anniversary! But... how do you feel about a reunion?
Declan, knowing exactly what The Doctor is referring to, merely responds: "Why not". A moment later, a trap door drops from underneath Declan and Azrail, sending them plummeting downward. Elsewhere in the room, a series of doors rise as Ghilani finds himself left completely alone. He moves towards the machines, away from the walls that had just risen. While much of his abilities and items seem to have gone inert, one dagger appears to still be functioning – the one gifted by Matron 7. Brandishing it, he manages to strike one of the approaching White Masks before he is sedated... and carried out. 

  Declan and Azrail are dumped unceremoniously into a large, hexagon-shaped room surrounded by sturdy walls of old stone. Portions of the wall bare clear signs of repair, while others... clearly are waiting such repairs. Whole stones have been ripped from the mortar while other stones have been shattered, leaving the crumbled remains to fall into the dirt floor. Bits of dried blood and viscera peak out from amidst the darkened dirt. There is a stench in the air that lingers - the smell of sanitizing agents trying – and clearly failing – to cover up the death and violence that has occurred here. Jagged metal protrudes from various places on the walls, encased by metal mesh and... sparking every now and then. Heavy metal doors outlined and secured in stone stand along three of the walls in the room. Taking a step forward, there is a loud crack... a skull... a humanoid skull. Half encased in dirt, the head is attached to nothing more than a few vertebrae.

  As the heavy doors opened, Declan was reunited with the creature from his memories – standing tall and ominous, with no sense of emotion it its eyes. It charged forward and immediately ripped into both Declan and Azrail, but mostly Declan. For a time, Declan stood valiantly as he tried to get Azrail to back up and away... but the creature seemed resistant to weapon attacks and force damage... thick skin, it seems. And as it continued, its attacks got more and more well-placed, until Declan found both of his arms useless and one leg severed and he collapsed into unconsciousness.

  A voice rang out to Azrail: Surrender, else I may put people you care about in harm's way. You're already doing that. There are others you care about who are not here, are there not? Azrail agreed that if the creature leaves... he'll surrender. And so the creature leaves, taking Declan with it. White masks then flood the chamber, sedating and removing Azrail.

  Moira found the door closed behind her. As she glanced around the small room, she felt a vague sense of familiar cold. And then a green gas begins to fill the chamber and she felt... so mellow... wow, life is so good! And everyone's a friend! She swayed and stumbled as the platform beneath her feet began to lower. She was deposited in a well lit room and as two walls dropped... the Doctor arrived. Oh. My. Gosh. ANOTHER BIRD.  
How nice for my little lost experiment to find her way here after all these years... You, my dear, have a reservation below. A wondrous thing... how it has created the most beautiful meshwork on your soul. Ah... the perfect canvas. You, my dear, will most certainly not be leaving.
The Doctor did a lap around Moira before drawing a syringe towards her neck. As she collapsed, the Doctor caught her... and Moira just caught sight of Calibird being placed in the tube. Her eyes widened as she managed to declare "YOU BASTARD" before falling into unconsciousness.


Doctor, Doctor, What's the Diagnosis?

Azrail woke up in a modest cell, but still a prison regardless. Glancing around, the hallway is eerily lit by artificial, orange light. A masked figure then approached – The Doctor. HEY! You are a druid, are you not? Then, you are familiar with the concepts of transformation? Yeah, what are you talking about? What kind of operations do you do here? You are... amenable to them? You have met my pride and joy. I can break the confines of mortality that limit your soul. I can make you into something more. But then I... wouldn't be me, right. Is that not worth it to ensure those that you care about remain secure? Otherwise, I can use you to do much. I prefer obedient subjects so please do behave. Though, I do hope you are comfortable. Azrail then goes and rests on the bed, arms restrained.

  Declan awoke with three of his limbs wrapped, blood still seeping through slowly... and a large creature standing, looming over him. Declan gave a brief acknowledgement. Now what? The creature slowly lifted on finger and tapped the side of its head, the side facing away from the glass where two white masked faces could just faintly be seen beyond. Declan did as requested and mind linked with a sigh. A deep voice then responded, cold and otherworldly: "Close your eyes and pretend to sleep." After giving a subpar performance, Declan fixed himself into a more comfortable position and entered a space he had only been to once before... a cold chamber of blackness. A shadow of a man with a 6-pronged jagged crown loomed with the faintest outline of a hunched figure beyond. The shadow shifted to block the few of the other figure. It took you long enough to make it here. I have been waiting.

  Although it does not recall its name, the Doctor calls it "Ragnar" after the Goddess of War. It seems bitter that it has such a weak host. It recalls that it forgot someone. They must be avenged. But the HOST has now FORGOTTEN someone too... and they do not care to recover them. And what do you want from me? The Void responded: I wish to leave here. The Doctor can already twist my will... I do not wish to be a pawn. I have escaped here before, but only with the help of a spy from the one he called the "Lady of Dread". Do you trust your companion? Declan responded: which one? There are more? Declan asserted that he trusts most of them and sure, for now, they can work together. The Void blinked and responded: You should rest for now.

  Rani awoke in a modest cell and, glancing around, heard some voices down the hall... and then a borderline unhinged laugh. Footsteps approached and the Doctor stopped right in front of her cell. It is truly unfortunate that you have chosen to target me as opposed to the one who, if I recall, wiped you from the memories of your entire family. Rani responded that he certainly hasn't done a good job of bringing them to his side and against the Clock Lady. I did send my Lollith to talk, did I not? Not the best piece for you to move to negotiation. Careful how you talk about my Lollith.

  Regardless, I am still willing to negotiate. I am willing to allow you all to leave... provided you swear a binding oath to never return here and to never speak of my work or location. You permit me to continue here and I will give you information on the woman you hate so much. And why would I have any reason to believe any of that? The Doctor sighed. Do think on it. Rani then asked... how do you feel about last requests? The Doctor paused. I may be inclined to honor them. And Underbrink? Ah, yes, thank you so very much for directing him to me. Without you, I may never have found him. I will see if he can be removed from his duties to spare a moment to speak to you. And then the Doctor departed.

  Azrail – hearing the faintest bit of the conversation – called out to Rani. They have a hushed conversation. Azrail told Rani that, hey, he asked for that date and got it. Rani's happy for him... but Azrail can tell that something's a bit off about Rani's responses.

  Moira woke up with both wrists and ankles restrained to an incredibly cold metal table. Wires and a bit of blood covered the floor and an odd pulling sensation radiated from the two machines in the corner. Two masked figures watched from behind a glass wall... and a figure dressed in black moves over a desk. Tell me, how has your experience with that gift been? Moira responded that she gets... flashes here and there, downplaying everything. A sentient variety then. What kind of memories? Moira stays silent. I much prefer cooperative subjects. The Doctor turned to face Moira, bird mask leering down at her. What a marvel that it has created such a perfect meshwork without prompting. What a delight... you are so close to being made perfect.

  The Doctor pulled a lever and a ripple of pain and a warping sensation on Moira's inner being coursed through every part of her. She managed to not scream. As the Doctor moved over and removed a glove to reveal a pale hand with blackened veins. He placed it over her heart and then Moira found herself in the dark recesses of her own mind. If you will not be cooperative- the Doctor stops. Hm, I will return, my King. As the Doctor leaves, Moira reached out to Annanias. Who is that? The Doctor. Annanias expressed concern. This Doctor has a fragment of me. Those machines... I feel my will warping. Annanias agreed it was best for Moira to remain out and Moira gasped as she resurfaced. In control of her body once more.

Ghilani found himself restrained and groggy on a table stained with blood and odd crimson red crystals jutting up from the pools of blood. Glancing over, there was a machine stained with blood that sparked... crimson. Odd. The Doctor moved some notes around on a nearby table before glancing over at Ghilani. Tell me, what are you? I'm a boy. An elf? A blood witch? Hm. The Doctor almost chuckled. "Coy, funny". Those threads of yours... the blood witches are dying, are they not? Yeah...? I wonder, is your tethering process complete? Tethering to what? The Doctor sighed. No, I don't think it is complete. I wonder, if I cut those seams... could i hijack the tethering process? Control the one you call Primus? I don't see why not.

  Ghilani frowned. You don't know what you're messing with. Oh, but I do. I have already dealt with something adjacent... Primus is small compared to what I have already achieved. As the Doctor made to leave, Ghilani called out: "Be careful or it might be your blood I drink." The Doctor paused. "Be careful, else your friends may never find you." And with that, The Doctor left.

  Newt woke up excellently hod-tied in a relatively nice room filled with decapitated dolls and drawings secured to the walls with half broken arrows. Lollith sat perched nearby on the bed. Oh, you woke up! I heard you're collecting family, don't you want to get to know me? Yes, and you should come join that family. Our father would LOVE to see you again. Lollith tilted her head to the side. Why would I want him as a father? I already have a perfectly good one. He wanted me. Did your mother sell you? No, my mother left me at the Temple. My father bought me and said he would have spent a lot more to have me. Well, we're actually worth way more than he can afford. Oh yes, thank you for your blood... I can do a bit of what you do now. Oh, you know I didn't WANT to kill Oksha, right? You should really be more careful what you say! The broadcast? A "revolutionary leader"? We can't have that! Newt comments on how Lollith has a tendency to commit "unjust murder" when Lollith responded that, hey, were you not a bounty hunter? Were all those killings just? I've recognized my past and grown from it... but hey, maybe we can rule together? Hm. That's possible.

  Lollith then stabbed Newt with a needle. I have so much to do so I have to take you down to your cell. Newt – now high and vibing – took note of the smell of blood, dancing through a series of shadowed figures and The Doctor, hearing clocks as he passed. He was then escorted through a series of doors and down into a cell. Moira caught Newt as he passed by from her restrained position on the table. And she also overheard a complete conversation... Lollith deposited Newt and Azrail and Rani both heard Lollith as she dropped of her brother and left.

  That's the bitch who shot Moira and Ghilani, by the way.
Report Date
28 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

The Magic Containment Room




The Doctor Himself



A Reunion

  There is a brief wailing drone, then silence, and then a brief laps of static before a modulated voice breaks through.  
An impressive feat, you know. To survive an encounter with my pride and joy... we both recall the bloodshed. We both recall the sensation of ripping flesh. And I, perhaps more than he, remember your face. Was it your wife – I'm SORRY – fiance's head in his hand? Terribly sorry for interrupting the vows.
  There is a heavy his, like gas or air being released. Nothing within sight moves, but you can hear something heavy being drawn across metal. And then, ever so faintly, you hear rhythmic, heavy, footfalls from beyond the small hallway cloaked in shadow... beyond the door.  
And I'm terribly sorry, again, for missing the anniversary! Still, how about a reunion? He is the ONLY other survivor of your wedding, after all! I have wondered, was that the day you found your religion? Discovered you were "special" among mortals? Baptized in the blood of the one you loved... to find the "love" of another. Perhaps I SHOULD go into matchmaking - HA.
  There is another heavy hiss – louder this time. Down the short darkened hallway, you see a heavy set of metal begin to move, sliding across the ground with a creak and a groan. For a brief moment, all you see is darkness beyond... and then four glowing eyes appear: cold and dark, like staring into swirling voids.  
And now, of course, you've learned about rules. The pantheon is outdated. And a new Order arriving... But, as a good scientist, we have a hypothesis to test, yes? Tell me... Where is your god now? Oh Declan... the only god here... is ME. And I am going to enjoy this.


Ragnar, the Doctor's Pride & Joy



Lollith's Room

  There are a variety of drawn portraits and more detailed pieces stuck to the wall with arrows, including the following:
  1. A drawing, completely undamaged, that shows a bird-masked man with Lollith and a hulking 4-armed creature
  2. There are two portraits near each other. One seems much older and has an arrow through the heart and red X's over the eyes. The next is a bit more recent and the image of the young man with a rat on his shoulder is vaguely familiar. His eyes have also been crossed out with red X's.
  3. A portrait of a tiefling woman. Her throat has been "cut" with a red line. Multiple daggers have clearly been stabbed into it, but her face has been left untouched. The expression is hard to read, but the horns are identical to Lollith's.
  4. The center piece above Lollith's desk features a group portrait of a half-elven woman, a pale individual with red threads (an arrow has been shoved through the heart), a khalashtar woman with black veins, a khalashtar man with the shadow of a 4-armed figure holding a head beyond, and a blue tiefling with a cheshire smile.


Lollith's To Do List

  1. Get ALL the Villám from Elios – boo, stupid birds (there's a gem doodle and a dead bird doodle)
  2. Aphrodisiacs and drugs from Therarask (there's a heart eye emoji)
  3. Kill the new Executioner (there's a doodle of a dismembered body, it seems new)
  4. Kill Lavathi or Volo? For Brother dearest! (There's a new doodle of Lollith standing on Volo's body)
  5. Remove Oksha (there's a doodle of a Yuan-Ti behind bars)
  6. Make father proud! (there's a drawing of Lollith and a bird-masked figure.


A Conversation Between Shadowed Figures

Figure 1: You will release them. You have overstepped your bounds, Doctor.   Doctor: Ah, but I have done what you have requested. I have served as a visible threat... unlike some. Was I supposed to permit them to waltz through my lab? To destroy me and my work? I have spent too long-   Figure 2: We had thought you'd have better defenses to keep them out than you do now. What have our resources been going towards?   Figure 4: What IS my money going towards? It is not without limit, especially without any return on my requests.   Doctor: If you can already perceive a limit to your funds, then you can hardly call yourself the Bringer of Fortune, now should you?   Figure 3: Best to wipe their memories and be done with it.   Doctor: You most certainly do not need all of them. Permit me to keep the Khalashtar. They take quite well to the Void Tethering-   Figure 2: No. The prophecy-   Doctor: Could have multiple interpretations. Three of them would certainly be suff-   Figure 5: You overstep, dearest Doctor. The words of the Eternal Oracle should supersede all.   Doctor: Silence. You are in MY lab. What have you done to fulfill your part of our duties to the Order? Beside hide away amidst rolling sands?   Figure 1: ENOUGH. Wipe their memories of this. They have a more important task to complete.


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