Dr. Serene Valdove Character in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
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Dr. Serene Valdove

One of the brightest minds of the University of Eredet, Dr. Valdove – youngest of the High Lord – seems to have acquired many bad habits from her time in the hostile environment of academia. Four cups of coffee in less than 30 minutes? Child's play, she's done worse. Bags under her eyes? No worries, she's getting at least an hour of sleep every night. Why worry? She's an elf after all.   ...yet despite her longevity, she seems determined to hurry and work herself into an early grave.   As a researcher at the University of Eredet, Dr. Valdove specializes in lost magical arts and is renowned for her abilities to "mix-and-match" spells as well as developing some of her own. Aboard the Iron Arrow, her work seems to have followed her, as she mentioned receiving new information and expression an interest in the Journal.  


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