Union of Knowledge Keepers Organization in Dremlia [Old] | World Anvil

Union of Knowledge Keepers


Prime Keeper: Responsible for overseeing all of the Archives all over Dremlia. The Prime Keeper has final say on the election of Keeper Disciplines and decides where they are stationed to conduct their research. They are notified whenever tomes and scrolls of great rarity, immense value, and vast age are requested to be sent from their Archives of origin, and are able to deny the request.     Keeper Discipline: When a Keeper Adept has provided an extensive amount of research and written a wide array of books upon a single topic, they are eligible to be elected to become a Keeper Discipline. Keeper Disciplines are considered the foremost expert in their field of expertise and are often consulted in all or most matters concerning that field. They are elected by the Prime Keeper based on their body of produced work over their time as a keeper.     Keeper Adept: The most numerous rank of the Keepers, Keeper Adepts are those that graduate from Keeper Novices after completed their allotted courses of primary study. On average it takes a Keeper Novice about twenty-five years to complete their studies and become a Keeper Adept, but that time fluctuates, sometimes taking either more or less time. Some keeper prodigies have been known to finish their studies in under five years, but this is nearly unheard of.   Keeper Novice: After spending years proving their devotion to Union of Knowledge Keepers, a perspective student can be chosen to graduate to the rank of Keeper Novice. Keeper Novice is the lowest rank amongst the officially recognized keepers. They spend most of their time studying the basic knowledges of the world, as well as in service of the Archives, categorizing tomes and scrolls as well as delivering them from Archive to Archive. While a Keeper Novice is not considered learned enough to author their own works, they often are used to assist Keeper Adepts and Disciplines in their writings.

Public Agenda

The Union of Knowledge Keepers was founded to combat the danger of confusion that was apt to be spread through myth and legend, as well as the prevention of the destruction and loss of knowledge, much of which happened during the late Crimson Age. It is the oath of the Union to secure, protect, add to, and share the knowledge of all things in Dremlia. Their agenda is best exemplified in their motto: "To all knowledge," shows their devotion to knowledge itself, "knowledge to all." displays their devotion to giving the people of Dremlia access to any knowledge they should need.


The Union of the Knowledge Keepers was started by Emperor Jakkor Draekis at the council of his brother-by-marriage, a mage named Knerius True, who went on to become the first Prime Keeper. Keeper Knerius spent much of his time as Prime Keeper recruiting other keepers, tracking down as many tomes and scrolls of knowledge that existed to that time, and, his most famous achievement, writing the first conclusive timeline of world history in Dremlia. Keeper Knerius was also responsible from officially seperating the Union from the control of the Aurian Empire, when he refused to alter historical events when commanded to by Emperor Jakkor's sucessor, Emperor Andror Draekis. This allowed the Union to remain an objective force and unpolluted by political agenda.

"To All Knowledge, Knowledge To All."

Founding Date
4 GA
Information Network
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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