Glith-Dardin Organization in Aislion | World Anvil


Demography and Population

Across the desert live many nomadic Glithi tribes although they are not considered to be directly under the city's rule. The two oasis settlements, however, are held to be extensions of Glith-Dardin.    Glith-Dardin hosts 800,000 individuals (according to the last census). This does not reflect the undercity populations.

Trade & Transport

Gems and Gemtech

  The primary trade resource are the gems mined from under the city. The Gemtech engineered in the city is the second most traded resource.    

Caravans and Ports

  Most goods are transported via caravans led by a Sparrow Guide . Sparrows well versed in the desert and its dangers can make a lot of money working out of Glith-Dardin.   Good going north to Valoryant usually are transported by ship as it shortens the journey at the cost of navigating the glacial seas.


Known as a city of invention and industry, most upper-class citizens afford a formal education at one of the two prestigious academies in the city. The rivalry between the Darn-fur and Rhul-Tan academies has provided a progressive culture between the schools as each seeks to produce prodigies and accomplishments to outshine the other.   The middle class gain a more hands-on practical education from mentors and apprenticeships. Most middle-class members follow in the footsteps of family, learning the same trades and skills as those who came before them.   The lower class live mostly in the ruins under the city and gain only the education provided by surviving in the dark tunnels. Surprisingly, there are few the miners trust more than the tunnel rats when it comes to helping them navigate the gem mines.
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
The Gem City
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
The city laws are directed by the Council, a collection of 13 individuals given status by their financial merit. The seats were slowly created as different families and organizations gained power and influence in the city, although no new seats have been added in several decades. These individuals decide on new laws, modifications to existing laws, or even removing them all through a voting process amongst themselves.
Neighboring Nations


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