Sparrow Guide Profession in Aislion | World Anvil

Sparrow Guide

Guides to the Wilds



Sparrows are almost exclusively dreamers of the Adventure variety. Their ability to navigate the Wilds is invaluable and makes it a must have to be a part of this profession.

Career Progression

Sparrows start usually as a budding dreamer, lost and confused by their own revelations. A more experienced Sparrow will take them as an apprentice from the ages of around 10 to anywhere in the mid-years. After the mentor deems the apprentice capable of surviving on their own, if they can recite the Sparrow’s Verse by heart, and if they know the rites and ways of their dream, they can be considered a full Sparrow, receiving the traditional sparrow tattoo on their neck, showing all they know which way walk in the Wilds.

Payment & Reimbursement

Sparrows run very competitive with each other, but their is a certain standard they keep to out of professional curtesy. About 100 Raven coins per day is the average charge, but depending on the size of group, distance to travel, or other additional risks and challenges (merchant cart, children, etc) the Sparrow might increase their costs. It is these details that get so highly competitive between them. Another common means of making money is selling sketches, maps, and other recorded knowledge of animals, creatures, and places seen in their travels.

Other Benefits

Being a Sparrow means you will almost always have work as trade relies heavily upon their role as guides.   In addition, being a highly skilled Sparrow makes you a lot of friends in many places. You can find plenty of connections both in high and low places.
  One lesser known benefit of the Sparrows is their knowledge of the secrets found in the Wilds. The Fey have many hidden sigils, markers, and or other secrets that have been laid by the strange beings of the Wilds. Many locations cannot be accessed without this knowledge and many creatures or fey can be placated with certain greetings or other methods mostly unknown.



Sparrows primary purpose is as a guide through the Wilds. They help avoid pitfalls, Fey creatures, and other dangers. Without them commerce would be incredibly difficult if not impossible.

Social Status

Sparrows are technically without a social standing, although nobility might still like upon them as “lesser”.


Each settlement you will find 3-5 available Sparrows, making their services in high demand. This is increased in the larger cities and reduced in a small village.


Sparrows are an organization that is more of a tradition than a guild. They started centuries ago but their origin is mostly unknown. The Sparrows themselves tell that their founder was a noble whose line is long dead. Their house crest was the sparrow and they spent their days collecting knowledge and mapping the wilds. However they were started, it has become a verbal tradition that also has fostered a brotherhood between them. You see another sparrow in the wild and you share knowledge, information, but above all a meal.



Maps and hunting supplies are crucial to the survival in the wilds. Often Sparrows document animals they are of locations they visit and carry parchment bud writing utensils with them. Basic camping gear is always in the pack including bedroll.


Sparrows keep a lot of strange sweets on them. It isn’t for eating but for pacifying sprites, fairies, and imps.

Dangers & Hazards

Obvious challenges face the Sparrows such as wild animals, the elements, bandits (rare but they do exist), but also the dangers of the Fey must be considered. Many an apprentice has been led astray to their doom by those mischievous creatures and even more have fallen to the more nefarious beings.

Starting Career

Should you play as a Sparrow, use this as your starting career:  

Sparrow guide


The Sparrow guide counts the following skills as career skills: Athletics , knowledge [wilds] , brawl , survival , negotiation , ranged , vigilance , stealth . Before spending experience during character creation, a Sparrow guide may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in each of them.

Public Services
The Sparrows role as a guide is a necessity for intercity commerce, but they are not the only people who can navigate the wilds.
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