North Shores Geographic Location in Dragon's Bane | World Anvil

North Shores

Written by Sierra Brown.
Artwork by Vertixico.


Encompassing the northernmost section of the Ak'Aidor region, the North Shores cover the full shoreline of the Great Tear Ocean. The region's ecosystem is a combination of the Ashland plains and the Deadwoods, with sparse clumps of deadwood forests and wide, open spaces of ash. The land is dark and dreary, enveloped in the endless fog and ash of Ak'Aidor, though the view over the ocean reveals the sky and sun in favorable conditions and times.  The region is settled and controlled by the wet-scales - A specific caste of Drakon dedicated to maintaining and guarding the shorelines of Ak'Aidor from any intrusion.

The Drakon city of Wetscale can be found along the North Shores, serving as both a fishing bed and a watch post for ships coming from the nations west of the Lesser Spine.



Covering the entirety of the northern Ak'Aidor region, the North Shores is a large land of ocean shorelines, plains, and clustered deadwoods. The region stretches from the Lesser Spine in the west, to the Divide in the east. The region is also notable for a large volcano capping off the end of the divide. This mountain routinely erupts every year, flowing lava and rock into the eastern fields and the ocean. These lava flows result in surprisingly fertile land during the planting and growing seasons and has become an integral part of the North Shores agriculture.

A series of rives run off into the region, from both the Lesser Spine and the Divide, before flowing through deltas into the Great Tear Ocean. The Ak'Aidorian river also flows through the shores into the ocean, winding its way from the Ashland and northward.



The ecosystem is somewhat varied - A variety of plants can be found throughout the North Shores, as well as a few various species of fauna. The ash-bears that inhabit the region are at the top of the local food chain, but recent incursions of wyverns from the Divide has begun to reduce the bear population in the eastern plains. Many ash-bears are only found in the more wooded areas to the west now, where the trees provide cover and hiding places from the wyverns in the sky, as well as distance from the Divide. A variety of fish are also found in the ocean and the deltas, including parasitic varieties that infect various land-bound species, driving them to throw themselves into the ocean where they're fed upon by packs of these carnivorous creatures.

Ecosystem Cycles


Located far to the north, and covered by a blanket of ash, the North Shores don't see much in the way of seasonal changes. The region's shift in temperature is mild at best, and always cold with the ocean so near. However, every winter, the volcanic eruption from The Divide brings with it new flows of lava and ash. These lava flows provide heat to the eastern regions, and fertile land for plant life and crops in the spring. The eruptions also temporarily drive mountain wyverns away, allowing the ash-bears and other wildlife to venture forth into the plains once more come spring. However, once the wyverns return in late summer and early fall, the wildlife is trimmed back.

Localized Phenomena


The eastern part of the region, near the Divide, is known for annual volcanic eruptions from the northernmost mountain of the range. These eruptions result in lava and rock flows throughout the plains and into the ocean, and occur every winter. By spring, the lava has cooled and the land has become surprisingly fertile, resulting in these lava plains becoming prominent farming grounds for rye. Many Drakon priests preach that this regular eruption and fertility is yet another gift from the draconic god Kithar, and have come to rely on it for their agriculture.

Fauna & Flora


The North Shores is well known for being a source of a variety of crops used as both food and materials. These include lichens, edible flowers, kelp, and rye fields. These crops are cultivated and harvested regularly, and distributed to the rest of Ak'Aidor. Also abundant in the region are ash-bears - A type of bear with an ashy brown-grey fur, fierce and dangerous when provoked, but generally docile and unaggressive if left alone. These bears are a common sight along the shorelines and deltas leading into the ocean, where they hunt for fish and food.

Another common creature, however, is far less passive and has been a nuisance to the region for some time. A parasitic fish lives in the frigid waters along the shoreline and the deltas, and commonly infects anyone unlucky enough to fall into the water. Those affected by this parasite find themselves increasingly thirsty until they're driven to diving into the water, from where they never return. The ailment is easily cured, however - It was discovered by accident that a potion brewed from rye and certain flowers found in the region kills the parasite and frees its host.

Natural Resources


The Drakon of the North Shores don't use much of the natural resources of the region - Most of their building materials and tools are brought in from other parts of Ak'Aidor. However, they do work with wood from the deadwood trees that grow in the region and make use of basalt and obsidian mined from the aftermath of the annual eruptions to the east. For most North Shores people, however, the primary resources collected are fish from the ocean and rives, and crops grown throughout the plains.



The region isn't a common stopping point for pilgrimages. Additionally, it's very uncommon for any visitors to Ak'Aidor to arrive via boat. instead, they cross through the passes in the Lower Spine. However, the views of the ocean and the distant sky when the weather and time of year permits are described as being quite beautiful. Many visitors to the region also find themselves drawn to the Divide during the winter, to watch the eruption and lava flows as they flow into the ocean. 

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Cover image: by Vertixico


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