
The preparation and consumption of Br'Al is an ancient tradition of The Razina for males and females having atttained the age of 14. Traditionally only women of the stoutest hearts prepared the Br'Al for the tribe's trialists and the origin and preparation of the Br'Al is a closely guarded secret for those having gone through the tradition.


The trialists are offered two Br'Al to consume. After all have been consumed, the true nature of Br'Al is revelaed to the trialist and a second offereing of Br'Al is offered to each trialist. The trialists are divided into several categories based on their response to the second offering.



  • Eagerly and voluntarily eat more receive training in hunting, warfare, farmers, and as butchers.
  • When prompted, accept more to eat receive training as leaders and diplomats.
  • Refuse more but accept what was given without illness, receive training in medicine,religion, and history.
  • React violently or with illness to the consumption of Br'Al, receive training in millling, baking, adn teaching,


  • Eagerly and voluntarily eat more receive training as buthers and cooks and are considered prized mates.
  • When prompted, accept more to eat receive receive training in medicine,religion, and history.
  • Refuse more but accept what was given without illness, training as leaders and diplomats.
React violently or with illness to the consumption of Br'Al, receive training in millling, baking, and teaching,   In more modern times, the ceremony and consumption of Br'Al, remains a closely guarded secret away from the children before coming of age. The ceremony is presented in all seriousness, but has become more of a pratical joke played upon the children and used to confirm and promote confidence in the children's individual abilities as having been evaluated through other means. Parents can choose specially prepared Br'Al to enhance their childs ability to fall into the expected category upon consumption.


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