HULL in Doskvol | World Anvil
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A Spirit Animating A Spark-Craft Frame

You have become a pale echo of your living self, trapped in a metal body, forced into servitude. Is this all that remains of you?

When you play a Hull, you earn xp when you fulfill your functions despite difficulty or danger, and when you suppress or ignore your former human qualities.


O Skirmish
OO Attune

When you transfer to the Hull playbook, add all of your current action ratings to the ratings on the Hull playbook. You may not have an action rating greater than 4.

You keep any ghost special abilities from your former playbook. Ghost Mind, Ghost Voice, etc. You lose all other special abilities.

You start with the first trait on your Hull playbook: Automaton (which also grants a feature, based on your frame size). You may also choose one more Hull trait.


Your spark-craft body runs on electro- plasmic power. Recharge your capacitors by connecting to an industrial-grade generator (this takes one downtime activity). When you do this, clear 5 drain.


Instead of stress, you now take drain. You have 10 drain boxes. Whenever you would take stress, take drain instead.


Instead of trauma, you now track wear. You lose any trauma levels you had in life, or any gloom levels you had as a ghost. Whenever you would take trauma, take wear instead, and choose a wear condition from the list.

Hull Features

Interior Chamber: You have a compartment for a passenger or operator.

Life-Like Appearance: You are masterfully crafted to pass for a living being (unless it is closely scrutinized).

Levitation: You can fly slowly by floating inside a volatile electroplasmic bubble.

Phonograph: A wax-cylinder recording and playback device.

Plating: Thick metal armor plates.

Reflexes: You have lightning-fast reaction time (as the Lurk ability).

Sensors: Your sensorium includes sonar which can “see” through walls and hear heartbeats.

Smoke Projectors: Chemical system that can exude a dark, acrid cloud of smoke— enough to fill a large room.

Spider Climb: Miniature barbs built into your frame allow it to walk and climb effortlessly on walls and ceilings.

Spring-Leap Pistons: You can jump to extreme heights (several stories) and survive falls without damage.


Character Playbooks

Articles under HULL


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