GHOST in Doskvol | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


A Disembodiesd Spirit, Craving Vengence

A rogue spirit is a scourge upon Duskwall, hunted by Spirit Wardens and sought out as a servant by Whispers and cultists. But your righteous vengeance burns so bright and pure—you must not allow yourself to be thwarted by anyone.

When you play a Ghost, you earn xp when you exact vengeance upon those you deem deserving, when you express your outrage or anger, and when you settle scores from your heritage or background. Playing the Ghost means payback for anyone who wronged you in life. It’s up to you to decide who has earned your ghostly ire, but don’t let anyone off the hook!

Who shall be the first to suffer your wrath? Are there any living beings who deserve mercy, or shall they all eventually be found guilty in your eyes?


O Hunt
O Prowl
O Attune

When you transfer your character to the Ghost playbook, add all of your current action ratings to the ratings on the Ghost playbook. You may not have an action rating greater than 4.

You keep any ghost special abilities from your human playbook. Ghost Mind, Ghost Voice, etc. You lose all other special abilities. You start with the first trait on your Ghost playbook: Ghost Form. You may also choose one more Ghost trait. (You may not choose Possess as a starting trait.)


You no longer have a vice. Instead, you have an intense need: life essence. To satisfy this need, possess a living victim and consume their spirit energy (this may be a downtime activity). When you do so, clear half your drain (round down).


Instead of stress, you now take drain. You have 9 drain boxes. Whenever you would take stress, take drain instead.


Instead of trauma, you now track gloom. You lose any trauma levels you had in life. Whenever you would take trauma, take gloom instead, and choose a gloom condition from the list.


Character Playbooks

Articles under GHOST


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